- pria
- pria avv ant o poet v. prima 1.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
pria — pria … Dictionnaire des rimes
Pría — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Pría País España … Wikipedia Español
Pria — bezeichnet einen Ort in Rumänien, siehe Pria (Sălaj) eine Verwaltungseinheit in Asturien (Spanien), siehe Pría Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pria — Pria, eine Operation bei der Beschneidung, f. d … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
pria — avv. [lat. prīus, con terminazione raccostata a prima ], ant., lett. [per indicare anteriorità nel tempo, con riferimento a un momento indeterminato: dopo l pasto ha più fame che p. (Dante)] ▶◀ [➨ prima (1. a)] … Enciclopedia Italiana
Pría — Vorlage:Infobox Gemeinde in Spanien/Wartung/kein cod ine Gemeinde Llanes: Parroquia Pría Wappen Karte von Spanien … Deutsch Wikipedia
pria — prì·a avv. LE prima, precedentemente: salsi colui che nnanellata pria, | disposando m avea con la sua gemma (Dante) {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: fine XII sec. ETIMO: lat. prĭus, nt. di prior primo , con influsso di 1prima o di poscia … Dizionario italiano
Pria dulcamarae — Научная классификация … Википедия
Pria Viswalingam — is a prominent Australian documentary and filmmaker. He is of Sri Lankan ancestry and was born in 1962 in Malaysia. He was schooled there, as well as in Britain, Singapore and Australia. He is a Sydney based journalist and television presenter,… … Wikipedia
Pria River (Crasna) — Geobox River name = Pria River native name = other name = other name1 = image size = image caption = country type = Countries state type = region type = district type = Counties city type = Villages country = Romania country1 = state = state1 =… … Wikipedia
Pria River (Homorod) — Geobox River name = Pria River native name = other name = other name1 = image size = image caption = country type = Countries state type = region type = district type = Counties city type = Villages country = Romania country1 = state = state1 =… … Wikipedia