Смотреть что такое "pratista" в других словарях:
pratista — pl.m. pratisti … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
pratįsti — pratį̃sti intr. Rtr, NdŽ, KŽ, DŽ1; N 1. prasidriekti: Pratį̃susiu pavilkiniu pro ruikinį ir valkiojas – a neisi susitaisyti! Vvr. ^ Jai pėtnyčia pro subatą pratį̃so NdŽ. Per bobos pilvą trys gyslos pratį̃sę (trys pirkios sijos) Dv. 2. išsitempti … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Sree Bhavaneeswara Temple — in Palluruthy, Kochi established by the great saint, sage and social reformer of India, Sree Narayana Guru on 8th March 1916. The temple is managed by Sree Dharma Paripalana Yogam which was founded in 1904 with the guidance and blessings of Sree… … Wikipedia