- panforte
- panfòrte m cuc панфорте (сиенский кулич)
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Panforte — is a traditional Italian dessert containing fruits and nuts, and resembling fruitcake or Lebkuchen. It may date back to 13th century Siena, in Italy s Tuscany region. Documents from 1205 show that Panforte was paid to the monks and nuns of a… … Wikipedia
Panforte — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Panforte tradicional … Wikipedia Español
Panforte — Traditioneller Panforte Panpepato mit Schokolade Panforte ist ein … Deutsch Wikipedia
Panforte — Un panforte Le panforte, comme le panpepato (pain poivré), est un dessert italien traditionnel de Noël, né à Sienne en Toscane. Son origine est très ancienne : les premiers témoignages écrits remontent à l an mille. À cette époque, on l… … Wikipédia en Français
panforte — noun A dense flat cake made with honey, hazelnuts, almonds, candied fruit, cocoa and spices; a speciality of Siena … Wiktionary
panforte — pan·fòr·te s.m. CO TS gastr. dolce senese consumato spec. nel periodo natalizio, confezionato con un impasto sodo di farina, zucchero o miele, spezie, canditi, mandorle e nocciole, di forma circolare e appiattita {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1804.… … Dizionario italiano
panforte — {{hw}}{{panforte}}{{/hw}}s. m. Dolce tipico di Siena, di forma tonda e schiacciata, ottenuto legando con poca farina mandorle, nocciole, canditi, zucchero, droghe … Enciclopedia di italiano
panforte — pl.m. panforti … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
panforte — n. traditional Italian round cake made with honey and nuts and fruits and spices(specialty of Siena) … English contemporary dictionary
panforte — [pan fɔ:teɪ, ti] noun a hard, spicy Italian cake containing nuts, candied peel, and honey. Origin Ital., from pane bread + forte strong … English new terms dictionary
panforte — pan·for·te … English syllables