- omai
- omai avv ant v. ormai
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
omai — /o mai/ avv. [contrazione di oggimai ], ant., poet. [senza attendere oltre: alza le vele O. la navicella del mio ingegno (Dante)] ▶◀ già, oramai, ormai … Enciclopedia Italiana
Omai — Portrait d Omai (à gauche) avec Sir Joseph Banks et le Dr. Daniel Solander, par William Parry, circa 1775 76 Omai (ou Mai, né à Raiatea vers 1751, mort à Huahine en 177 … Wikipédia en Français
Omai — William Parrys Gemälde Sir Joseph Banks mit Omai und Dr. Daniel Solander, ca. 1775 76 Mai (* um 1751; † 1780), wegen des polynesischen Artikels O als Omai bekannt, war ein junger Mann von der Insel … Deutsch Wikipedia
Omai — William Parry s painting Sir Joseph Banks with Omai and Dr. Daniel Solander, circa 1775 76 Mai (c.1751 1780), mistakenly known as Omai in Britain, was a young Ra iatean man who became the second Pacific Islander to visit Europe, after Ahu toru … Wikipedia
omai — o·mài avv. LE ormai: questo giorno ch omai cede alla sera, | festeggiar si costuma al nostro borgo (Leopardi) {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1294. ETIMO: da oimai, contrazione di oggimai … Dizionario italiano
Omai (play) — Omai is a 1785 pantomime written by John O Keeffe with music by William Shield. It depicts the voyage of Omai, a Tahitian royal, to marry Londina the fictional daughter of Britannia. It was loosely inspired by the real visit of Omai to Europe in… … Wikipedia
Omai (deity) — Omai is a Creator deity (god) mentioned by Davi Kopenawa Yanomami, a shaman and Portuguese speaking spokesperson of the Yanomami índios of Brazil. In his own words translated from Portuguese: I want to speak giving the message from Omai. Omai is… … Wikipedia
omai — {{hw}}{{omai}}{{/hw}}avv. (poet.) Ormai … Enciclopedia di italiano
omai — V. ormai … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Omaijade — Omai|ja|de, der; n, n (Angehöriger eines arabischen Herrschergeschlechtes) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
Captain Cook — James Cook Porträt von Nathaniel Dance, 1776, National Maritime Museum Lebensdaten Geboren: 27. Oktober 1728 Marton Gestorben: 14. Februar 1779 Hawaiʻ … Deutsch Wikipedia