- oltremontano
- oltremontano agg v. oltramontano 1.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
oltremontano — v. oltramontano … Enciclopedia Italiana
oltremontano — ol·tre·mon·tà·no agg. CO 1. di paese, regione, territorio e sim., situato al di là dei monti, spec. delle Alpi, rispetto all Italia; che è proprio di tali paesi, regioni, territori, ecc.: costumi, usanze oltremontane Sinonimi: transalpino,… … Dizionario italiano
oltremontano — {{hw}}{{oltremontano}}{{/hw}}V. oltramontano … Enciclopedia di italiano
oltremontano — agg. 1. ultramontano, transalpino, d oltralpe CONTR. cisalpino 2. (fig.) straniero, estero CONTR. nazionale, nostrano … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Capilla Flamenca — is a prominent vocal and instrumental early music consort based in Leuven, Belgium. The group specialises in 14th to 16th Century music from Flanders and takes its name from the choir of the court chapel of Emperor Charles V. When the emperor… … Wikipedia
Capilla Flamenca — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Capilla Flamenca Información personal Origen Bélgica … Wikipedia Español
Мастер Святого Франциска — … Википедия
ultramontano — 1ul·tra·mon·tà·no agg., s.m. TS stor., relig. fautore dell ultramontanismo {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XIX. ETIMO: dal fr. ultramontain, propr. (partigiano del pontefice) che sta al di là dei monti , cioè al di là delle Alpi. 2ul·tra·mon·tà·no… … Dizionario italiano
Philippe de Monte — (1521 – 4 July 1603), sometimes known as Philippus de Monte, was a Flemish composer of the late Renaissance.[1] He was a member of the 3rd generation madrigalists[2] and wrote more madrigals than any other composer of the time.[3] Sources cite… … Wikipedia
Simen Van Mechelen — studied the philology of the Romance languages at university before going on to study at the Royal Conservatory in Antwerp. After a period as a countertenor with such groups as Currende and the Collegium Vocale Ghent, he gradually became more and … Wikipedia
Sebastián de Vivanco — (b. Ávila, ca. 1551 d. Salamanca, Oct. 26, 1622) was a Spanish priest and composer of the Renaissance.LifeVivanco was born in Ávila, like Tomás Luis de Victoria; however, the exact date of his birth is unknown. It is hypothesized that he was born … Wikipedia