Смотреть что такое "mostaccio" в других словарях:
mostaccio — /mo statʃ:o/ s.m. [lat. tardo mustaceum ], non com., spreg. [parte anteriore del cranio: dirne quattro sul m. a qualcuno ] ▶◀ (spreg.) ceffo, faccia, (spreg.) grifo, (spreg.) grugno, (spreg.) muso, (ant., spreg.) niffo, viso, volto, [arcigno o… … Enciclopedia Italiana
mostaccio — mo·stàc·cio s.m. BU 1. scherz., viso, faccia 2. mustacchio {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 2Є metà XIV sec. ETIMO: lat. mediev. mustacia, nt. pl., dal gr. biz. mustákion, dim. di mústaks, akos propr. bocca … Dizionario italiano
mostaccio — pl.m. mostacci … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
moustache — [ mustaʃ ] n. f. • 1549; it. mostaccio, bas gr. mustaki, gr. a. mustax « lèvre supérieure » 1 ♦ Poils qui garnissent la lèvre supérieure de l homme. ⇒fam. 2. bacchante. Un homme qui porte la moustache, des moustaches. ⇒ moustachu. Longues,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
mustacchio — mu·stàc·chio s.m. 1. CO spec. al pl., scherz., baffo folto e di notevole lunghezza: si liscia i mustacchi Sinonimi: mostaccio. 2a. TS mar. ciascuna delle sartie tese orizzontalmente tra il bompresso e i masconi di prua per rendere l albero più… … Dizionario italiano
mostacho — (Del ital. mostaccio < gr. mystakion .) ► sustantivo masculino 1 Bigote del hombre en especial si es grande: ■ no sabía que tu hermano llevara mostacho. 2 coloquial Mancha de suciedad o resto de comida en las proximidades de la boca: ■ el niño … Enciclopedia Universal
moustache — [16] Moustache comes via French from Italian mostaccio, which goes back ultimately to Greek mústax ‘upper lip, moustache’. The synonymous mustachio [16] appears to have originated as a blend of mostaccio with the related Spanish mostacho … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
moustache — [16] Moustache comes via French from Italian mostaccio, which goes back ultimately to Greek mústax ‘upper lip, moustache’. The synonymous mustachio [16] appears to have originated as a blend of mostaccio with the related Spanish mostacho … Word origins
Cercopithecus cephus — Mustache Mus*tache (m[u^]s*t[.a]sh ; 277), n.; pl. {Mustaches}. [Written also {moustache}.] [F. moustache, It. mostaccio visage, mostacchio mustache, fr. Gr. my stax upper lip and the beard upon it; cf. ma stax mouth: cf. Sp. mostacho.] 1. That… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
moustache — Mustache Mus*tache (m[u^]s*t[.a]sh ; 277), n.; pl. {Mustaches}. [Written also {moustache}.] [F. moustache, It. mostaccio visage, mostacchio mustache, fr. Gr. my stax upper lip and the beard upon it; cf. ma stax mouth: cf. Sp. mostacho.] 1. That… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mustache — Mus*tache (m[u^]s*t[.a]sh ; 277), n.; pl. {Mustaches}. [Written also {moustache}.] [F. moustache, It. mostaccio visage, mostacchio mustache, fr. Gr. my stax upper lip and the beard upon it; cf. ma stax mouth: cf. Sp. mostacho.] 1. That part of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English