
moloc I Молох (тж перен) moloc II молох (ящерица)

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "moloc" в других словарях:

  • Moloc — puede hacer referencia a: Moloc es una divinidad fenicia y cartaginesa, dios del fuego al que se inmolaban víctimas humanas, principalmente niños; o moloc , móloc o lagarto espinoso es un reptil escamoso, un saurio. Esta página de desambiguación… …   Wikipedia Español

  • moloc — mò·loc s.m.inv. 1a. TS mitol. antica divinità fenicia e cananea, raffigurata con testa taurina, a cui venivano sacrificate vittime umane 1b. CO fig., istituzione, organizzazione e sim., che con la propria irrazionale gestione soffoca i diritti,… …   Dizionario italiano

  • Moloc — Antigua deidad del Medio Oriente a quien se sacrificaban niños. Las leyes que Dios entregó a Moisés prohibieron expresamente a los israelíes sacrificar niños a Moloc, como lo hacían los egipcios y cananeos. Un santuario dedicado a él fuera de las …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • moloc — {{hw}}{{moloc}}{{/hw}}o moloch s. m. 1 Dio semitico cui si sacrificavano vittime umane. 2 (fig.) Essere o entità di mostruosa e malefica potenza …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • Sacrifices (Stargate SG-1) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Sacrifices Episodio de Stargate SG 1 Archivo:Sacrifices sg1.jpg Título Sacrificios Episodio nº Temporada 8 Episodio 09 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Jaffa characters in Stargate — This is a list of Jaffa characters appearing on the television series Stargate SG 1 . The Jaffa are a fictional race who are genetically engineered from humans by the Goa uld, to serve as their soldiers and as incubators for their young.Teal… …   Wikipedia

  • Jaffa (Stargate) — In the fictional universe of the science fiction TV series Stargate SG 1 , the Jaffa are modified humans genetically engineered by the Goa uld in antiquity to serve as soldiers and as incubators for their young. They first appear in the Stargate… …   Wikipedia

  • Goa'uld characters in Stargate — This is a list of the Goa uld characters that have appeared so far in Stargate, Stargate SG 1, and Stargate Atlantis. In the Stargate fictional universe, the Goa uld are a parasitic alien race that use other beings as hosts. Ra stated in the… …   Wikipedia

  • List of recurring alien characters in Stargate SG-1 — This is a list of recurring alien characters in the science fiction television series Stargate SG 1. Contents 1 Abydonians 2 Ancients 3 Asgard 4 Goa uld …   Wikipedia

  • Teal'c — Stargate character caption=Teal c site= race=Jaffa name=Teal c gender=Male rank=Jaffa High Councillor Former First Prime to Apophis birthplace=A planet under Cronus control family = Ronac (father, deceased) Unknown Mother (mother …   Wikipedia

  • Liste der Stargate-Kommando-SG-1-Episoden — Logo der Serie Diese Liste der Stargate Kommando SG 1 Episoden enthält alle 214 Episoden der Science Fiction Serie Stargate – Kommando SG 1. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Staffel 1 (1997–1998, #1–22) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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