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Henry Mollicone — (born 1946) is an American composer and musical instructor. He currently resides in Saratoga, California.CareerHenry Mollicone is best known for his operas Coyote Tales , Emperor Norton , and The Face on the Barroom Floor . He has written works… … Wikipedia
Fucosyltransferase 3 — (galactoside 3(4) L fucosyltransferase, Lewis blood group), also known as FUT3, is a human gene.cite web | title = Entrez Gene: FUT3 fucosyltransferase 3 (galactoside 3(4) L fucosyltransferase, Lewis blood group)| url =… … Wikipedia
Central City Opera — is the fifth oldest opera company in the United States, founded in 1932. Each festival is presented in the 550 seat historic Central City Opera House built in 1878 in the gold mining era town of Central City, Colorado.Most recent six week summer… … Wikipedia
Houston Grand Opera — (HGO) was founded in 1955 through the joint efforts of Maestro Walter Herbert and Houston cultural leaders Mrs. Louis G. Lobit and Edward Bing. With a current annual operating budget of approximately $20 million, HGO has grown from a small… … Wikipedia
Sheldon Harnick — Harnick began his career writing words and music to comic songs in musical revues. One of these, The Merry Minuet , was popularized by the Kingston Trio. It is in the caustic style usually associated with Tom Lehrer and is sometimes incorrectly… … Wikipedia
Jack White (reporter) — Jack White (1942 ndash; October 12, 2005) was a veteran Rhode Island journalist who won a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of President Richard Nixon s underpayment of income taxes. White s investigative article prompted Nixon to utter his famous… … Wikipedia
Emperor Norton in popular culture — Joshua Abraham Norton (ca. 1815 – January 8, 1880), also known as His Imperial Majesty Emperor Norton I, was a celebrated citizen of San Francisco who proclaimed himself Emperor of these United States and Protector of Mexico in 1859. Though he… … Wikipedia
The Face on the Barroom Floor — can refer to:*a poem by Hugh Antoine D Arcy; see The Face on the Barroom Floor (poem) *a 1914 film starring Charlie Chaplin; see The Face on the Barroom Floor (film) *a painting, by Herndon Davis, on the floor of the Teller House Bar in Central… … Wikipedia
The Face on the Barroom Floor (poem) — The Face on the Barroom Floor is a poem written by Hugh Antoine D Arcy in 1887. OverviewWritten in ballad form, it tells the story of an artist ruined by love; having lost his beloved Madeline to another man, he has turned to drink. In the poem,… … Wikipedia
The Face on the Barroom Floor (painting) — The Face on the Barroom Floor is a painting on the floor of the Teller House Bar in Central City, Colorado, United States. It was painted in 1936 by Herndon Davis.tory of the paintingDavis had been commissioned by the Central City Opera… … Wikipedia
Adam Flowers — is an American lyric tenor who is based in San Francisco, California. Flowers sings major lyric tenor roles in Opera houses across the Western United States. Flowers was in the resident company of Opera San Jose from 2001 2006 and appeared there… … Wikipedia