- molinello
- molinèllo m v. mulinello
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
molinello — v. mulinello … Enciclopedia Italiana
molinello — mo·li·nèl·lo s.m. BU var. → mulinello … Dizionario italiano
molinello — pl.m. molinelli … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
B&B Il Molinello — (Ашано,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Loc Molinello, 53041 Ашано, Италия … Каталог отелей
Rogliano — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Rogliano (homonymie). 42° 57′ 25″ N 9° 25′ 08″ E … Wikipédia en Français
Rownde — an English term which likely refers to the molinello/molinet windmill change in line attack of striking by bringing the weapon first down and back and then up high, once for ye single rouwde or twice for a ye double , the action generates power… … Medieval glossary
Double Rownde — an English term which likely refers to the molinello/molinet windmill change in line attack of striking by bringing the weapon first down and back and then up high, once for ye single rouwde or twice for a ye double , the action generates power… … Medieval glossary
Pontremoli — Infobox CityIT img coa = Pontremoli Stemma2.png official name = Comune di Pontremoli name = Pontremoli region = Tuscany province = Massa Carrara elevation m = 236 area total km2 = 182 population as of = 2007 05 31 population total =7942… … Wikipedia
Cesano Maderno — Comune Città di Cesano Maderno Church … Wikipedia
Giuseppe Radaelli — Giuseppe Radaelli, a 19th century Milanese fencer of the Italian school of swordsmanship, is noted for the development of modern sabre play with a light, narrow bladed weapon. Radaelli was a teacher of mounted troops and was concerned exclusively … Wikipedia
Eccellenza Lombardy — (known in its native tongue as Eccellenza Lombardia ) is the regional Eccellenza football division for clubs in Lombardy, Italy. It is competed amongst 54 teams, in three different groups (A, B and C). The winners of the Groups are promoted to… … Wikipedia