
miràbile agg удивительный, чудесный; достойный удивления <восхищения>

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "mirabile" в других словарях:

  • mirabile — (izg. mirábile) DEFINICIJA čudno, ob. u: SINTAGMA mirabile auditu (izg. mirabile audítu) čudno je čuti, čudo za uho; mirabile dictu (izg. mirabile dȉktu) čudno je reći; mirabile visu (izg. mirabile vȋzu) čudno je vidjeti, čudo za oko ETIMOLOGIJA… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Mirabile — from Latin meaning wonderful or miraculous also a last name of Italian descent Mirabile is the name of a planet in the eponymous novel by Janet Kagan. It is an Earth colony filled with genetically engineered organisms, and their unintended… …   Wikipedia

  • mirabile — /mi rabile/ agg. [dal lat. mirabĭlis, der. di mirari ammirare, meravigliarsi ], lett. [di persona, evento e sim., fuori del comune, degno di grande ammirazione: un fatto m. a dirsi, a udirsi ] ▶◀ (non com.) ammirabile, ammirevole, eccezionale,… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • mirabile — mi·rà·bi·le agg., s.f. 1. agg. CO degno di ammirazione, di incondizionato apprezzamento: valore, fede, virtù, intelligenza mirabile; gesta mirabili | di qcn., che si distingue, che eccelle per doti e qualità particolari: artista mirabile Sinonimi …   Dizionario italiano

  • mirabile —   , mirabilis   L. unusual.   1) Plant with the habit of a rush rather than a grass. Arundinaria mirabilis, Festuca mirabilis, Glaziophyton mirabile   2) leaf blades wide for the genus. Sporobolus mirabilis   3) differing markedly from most other …   Etymological dictionary of grasses

  • mirabile — mɪ rɑːbɪleɪ adj. (Latin) part of the phrase mirabile dictu (wonderful to tell) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Mirabile Township, Caldwell County, Missouri — Mirabile Township   Township   …   Wikipedia

  • Mirabile Illud — is an encyclical of Pope Pius XII on the crusade of prayer for peace, given at Rome from St. Peter s on the sixth day of December, the year 1950, the twelfth of his Pontificate. The Pope is concerned about imminent war spreading from the Korea to …   Wikipedia

  • Mirabile illud — ist der Titel einer Enzyklika, die am 6. Dezember 1950 von Papst Pius XII. veröffentlicht wurde und zu „öffentlichen Gebeten für den Weltfrieden“ ermuntern soll. Diesen Aufruf bezeichnet es als Kreuzzug des Gebetes für den Frieden. Rückblickend… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mirabĭle dictu — (lat.), wunderbar zu sagen; mirabile visu, wunderbar zu sehen …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Mirabile dictu — Mirabĭle dictu (lat.), wunderbar zu sagen; mirabile visu, wunderbar anzuschauen …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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