Смотреть что такое "megalopoli" в других словарях:
megalopoli — /mega lɔpoli/ s.f. [comp. di megalo e poli, sull esempio del gr. megalópolis agg., che costituisce una grande città , e Megalópolis nome di una città dell Arcadia]. [area urbana molto vasta e altamente urbanizzata] ▶◀ metropoli. ⇑ agglomerato… … Enciclopedia Italiana
Megalopoli — Gemeinde Megalopoli Δήμος Μεγαλόπολης … Deutsch Wikipedia
Megalopoli — Mégalopolis Pour les articles homonymes, voir Mégalopolis (comédie musicale). Mégalopolis ou Megalópoli (« ἡ Μεγάλη πόλις », la grande ville , comme l écrit Pausanias le Périégète, ou en grec moderne Μεγαλόπολη) est une ville de Grèce,… … Wikipédia en Français
Megalopoli — Original name in latin Megalpoli Name in other language Megalopole, Megalopoli, Megalopolis, Megalpoli, Megalpolis, mglwpwlys State code GR Continent/City Europe/Athens longitude 37.40111 latitude 22.14222 altitude 429 Population 5283 Date 2012… … Cities with a population over 1000 database
Megalopoli — Sp Megalòpolis Ap Μεγαλόπολη/Megalopoli L P Graikija … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Megalopoli Power Plant — The Megalopoli Power Plant is a power plant in Arcadia in the central Peloponnese that produces electricity for southern Greece and the islands. It is located 5 km northwest of Megalopoli via the GR 76 (Krestena Andritsaina Megalopoli), its… … Wikipedia
Megalopoli Mine — The Megalopoli Mine is a large lignite and coal mine owned by the Public Power Corporation of Greece that began in the early 1970s after the completion of the Megalopoli Power Plant which met demands for hydro in Greece. It mined approximately 40 … Wikipedia
Megalopoli Province — Επαρχία Μεγαλόπολης Megalopoli Province Province of Greece … Wikipedia
Megalopoli — noun An ancient city and a modern town in Greece located in the southwestern Arcadia prefecture … Wiktionary
megalopoli — me·ga·lò·po·li s.f.inv. CO metropoli caratterizzata da un enorme sviluppo demografico e urbanistico {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1978. ETIMO: comp. di megalo e poli, cfr. ingl. megalopolis, fr. mégalopole … Dizionario italiano
megalopoli — {{hw}}{{megalopoli}}{{/hw}}s. f. inv. Vasto agglomerato urbano spesso formato da diverse entità amministrative … Enciclopedia di italiano