Смотреть что такое "marzapane" в других словарях:
marzapane — {{hw}}{{marzapane}}{{/hw}}(o z ) s. m. Pasta dolce fatta con mandorle, bianco d uovo e zucchero, cotta al forno e usata in pasticceria. ETIMOLOGIA: dall arabo martaban (deriv. dal nome della città indiana Martaban) usato per indicare un vaso di… … Enciclopedia di italiano
marzapane — mar·za·pà·ne s.m. CO impasto di albume d uovo con mandorle pestate e zucchero, usato in pasticceria {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1347. ETIMO: dall ar. martabān propr. cofanetto, scatola . POLIREMATICHE: di marzapane: loc.agg.inv. CO … Dizionario italiano
marzapane — pl.m. marzapani … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
La Casina di Marzapane — (Хедькё,Венгрия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 9437 Хедькё, Szent Mihály út 25., В … Каталог отелей
La Casa Di Marzapane — (Палермо,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Via Porta Carini 70, 90134 Палермо, И … Каталог отелей
massepain — [ maspɛ̃ ] n. m. • 1544; « boîte » XVe; altér. it. marzapane, ar. martaban ♦ Petit gâteau fait d amandes pilées, de sucre et de blancs d œufs. ⇒ calisson. ● massepain nom masculin (altération du moyen français marsepain, de l italien marzapane)… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Marzipanrohmasse — Aus Marzipan geformte Früchte Marzipan (von ital.: marzapane) ist eine Süßware aus Zucker und Mandeln, die traditionell in den Städten an der südlichen Ostseeküste hergestellt wurde. Weltbekannt sind das Lübecker Marzipan und das Königsberger… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Marzipan — Mar|zi|pan [marts̮i pa:n], das und (österr.:) der; s, e: weiche Masse aus fein gemahlenen Mandeln, Aromastoffen und Zucker, die zu Süßigkeiten verarbeitet wird: ein Schweinchen aus Marzipan. * * * Mar|zi|pan 〈a. [′ ] n. 11; selten m. 1〉 Konfekt… … Universal-Lexikon
marzipan — [19] The word marzipan has long puzzled etymologists. An elaborate theory was formulated in the early 20th century that traced it back to Arabic mawthabān ‘king who sits still’. That was applied by the Saracens to a medieval Venetian coin with a… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
marzipan — [19] The word marzipan has long puzzled etymologists. An elaborate theory was formulated in the early 20th century that traced it back to Arabic mawthabān ‘king who sits still’. That was applied by the Saracens to a medieval Venetian coin with a… … Word origins
Marzipan — For the Homestar Runner character, see List of Homestar Runner characters. Marzipan is a confection consisting primarily of sugar and almond meal. Persipan is a similar, yet less expensive product, in which the almonds are replaced by apricot or… … Wikipedia