Смотреть что такое "maremma" в других словарях:
Maremma — (Принчипина а Маре,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: 58046 Принчипина а Маре, Италия … Каталог отелей
maremma — [mə rem′ə] n. pl. maremme [mə rem′ē] [It < L maritimus: see MARITIME] fertile, marshy land near the sea, esp. in Italy … English World dictionary
Maremma — For the breed of dog, see Maremma Sheepdog. For the breed of cattle, see Maremmana. The Maremma landscape The Maremma is a vast area in Italy bordering the Tyrrhenian Sea, consisting of part of south western Tuscany Maremma Livornese and Maremma… … Wikipedia
Maremma — La costa Maremma, vista desde la antigua ciudad de Castiglione della Pescaia. La Maremma es una zona de Italia, que se extiende por parte de la Toscana meridional (y en parte coincidiendo con la provincia de Grosseto) y parte del Lacio… … Wikipedia Español
Maremma — Die Küste der Maremma Die Maremma ist eine Landschaft in Mittelitalien, zu der nach einem heute üblichen Pars pro toto Verständnis die gesamte südliche Toskana und Teile des nördlichen Latiums gehören. Im engeren Sinne umfasst die Maremma aber… … Deutsch Wikipedia
maremma — /meuh rem euh/, n., pl. maremme / rem ee/. 1. a marshy region near the seashore, esp. in Italy. 2. the miasma associated with such a region. [1825 35; < It < L maritima, fem. of maritimus MARITIME] * * * ▪ geographical region, Italy… … Universalium
maremma — {{hw}}{{maremma}}{{/hw}}s. f. Regione bassa e paludosa vicina al mare | Maremma toscana, o (per anton.) Maremma, zona costiera paludosa della Toscana e del Lazio … Enciclopedia di italiano
MAREMMA — The Maremma was the most prominent alluvial plain in Etruria proper, bounded to the north by the Colline Metallifere; these uplands, as the name suggests, were an important metal ore zone, which projects into sea, with Elba (another metal ore… … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans
Maremma Sheepdog — A working Maremmano on the Gran Sasso of Abruzzo, Italy Other names Cane da Pastore Maremmano Abruzzese Pastore Abruzzese Pastore Maremmano Nicknames Maremma Country of origin Italy … Wikipedia
Maremma Regional Park — The Maremma Regional Park (Parco Regionale della Maremma), also known as Uccellina Park (Parco dell’Uccellina) covers a coastal area between Principina a Mare and Talamone near Grosseto, Magliano in Toscana and Orbetello, right up to the Livorno… … Wikipedia
Maremma-Abruzzen-Hirtenhund — Maremmen Abruzzen Schäferhund FCI Standard Nr. 201 Gruppe 1: Hütehunde und Treibhunde (ohne Schweizer Sennenhunde) Se … Deutsch Wikipedia