Смотреть что такое "mammà" в других словарях:
Mamma — (Mehrzahl: Mammae) bezeichnet: eine Sonderform der Wolken, siehe mammatus in der Anatomie vom Menschen und vom Tier: eine weibliche Brust (lat. Mamma, Mz. Mammae); eine männliche Brust (lat.: Mamma masculina); den Euter, das Gesäuge etc. bei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Mamma — has several meanings:* A Mother, biological or social female parent of a child or offspring. * The Latin term for Breasts, the upper ventral region of an animal s torso, particularly that of mammals, including human beings * Mammatus cloud,… … Wikipedia
mamma — ● mamma nom féminin (italien mamma, maman) Familier. Mère de famille nombreuse considérée du point de vue de son ascendant sur toute la famille. mamma [mama; mamma] n. f. ÉTYM. Mil. XXe; mot italien. ❖ ♦ Mère de famille italienne … Encyclopédie Universelle
mamma — s.f. [lat. mamma (voce infantile) madre e mammella ]. 1. (fam.) [donna che genera figli, usato anche come appellativo: E come fantolin che nver la m. Tende le braccia (Dante)] ▶◀ (lett.) genitrice, madre, (merid.) mammà. ‖ (region.) babbo, padre … Enciclopedia Italiana
Mamma — Mam*ma , n. [Reduplicated from the infantine word ma, influenced in spelling by L. mamma.] Mother; word of tenderness and familiarity. [Written also {mama}.] [1913 Webster] Tell tales papa and mamma. Swift. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mamma — Mam ma, n.; pl. {Mamm[ae]}. [L. mamma breast.] (Anat.) A glandular organ for secreting milk, characteristic of all mammals, but usually rudimentary in the male; a mammary gland; a breast; udder; bag. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mammà — s.f. [dal fr. maman, o esemplato su papà ], merid. [donna che genera figli, usato anche come appellativo] ▶◀ e ◀▶ [➨ mamma (1)] … Enciclopedia Italiana
mamma — 1570s, representing the native form of the reduplication of *ma that is nearly universal among the I.E. languages (Cf. Gk. mamme mother, grandmother, L. mamma, Pers. mama, Rus., Lith. mama mother, Ger. Muhme mother s sister, Fr. maman, Welsh mam… … Etymology dictionary
mamma — mamma1 [mä′mə, mə mä′] n. [like L mamma, mother, Sans mā, Gr mammē < baby talk] MAMA mamma2 [mam′ə] n. pl. mammae [mam′ē] [L, breast, prob. identical with MAMMA1] a gland for secreting milk, present in the female of all mammals; mammary gland … English World dictionary
Mamma — Mamma, der Laut lallender Kinder, beim ersten Versuche ihre Gefühle sprachlich auszudrücken; daher fast in allen Sprachen so v.w. Mutter … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Mamma — (lat.), die weibliche Brust; mammāl, die Brüste betreffend … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon