- lunedì
- lunedì ḿ понедельник Lunedì santo eccl — страстной <великий> понедельник
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Lunedì — (Паргелия,Италия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 89861 Паргелия, Италия … Каталог отелей
lunedì — s.m. [lat. Lunae dies giorno della Luna ]. [primo giorno della settimana] ● Espressioni: lunedì di Pasqua (o dell Angelo) [il primo giorno dopo Pasqua] ▶◀ (fam.) pasquetta … Enciclopedia Italiana
lunedì — lu·ne·dì s.m.inv. AU primo giorno della settimana civile e secondo di quella liturgica (abbr. L, lun.): la lezione si terrà ogni lunedì {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1282. ETIMO: loc. lat. Lūnae dĭe(m) propr. giorno della Luna . POLIREMATICHE: lunedì… … Dizionario italiano
lunedì — {{hw}}{{lunedì}}{{/hw}}s. m. Primo giorno della settimana civile. ETIMOLOGIA: dal lat. Lunae dies, propr. ‘giorno (dies) della Luna (Lunae)’ … Enciclopedia di italiano
Corriere del Lunedì — ( Monday Courrier ) was an Italian language weekly newspaper published in Tripoli, Libya, founded in 1950. The newspaper was published by the Political Association for the Progress of Libya, a pro independence front organization of the… … Wikipedia
lundì — lunedì … Dizionario Materano
Weekday names — Days of the week redirects here. For the song by Stone Temple Pilots, see Days of the Week (song). The names of the days of the week from the Roman period have been both named after the seven planets of classical astronomy and numbered, beginning … Wikipedia
Apennin-Halbinsel — Repubblica Italiana Italienische Republik … Deutsch Wikipedia
Дни недели — Названия дней недели с римского периода были, с одной стороны, связаны с названиями семи планет классической астрономии, а с другой стороны, первым днём недели считалось воскресенье. Обе эти системы были приняты во многих языках, за некоторыми… … Википедия
Angelo Branduardi — (born February 12, 1950), is an Italian pop singer and composer who scored relevant success in Italy and European countries such as France, Germany and Holland. Biography Branduardi was born in Cuggiono, a small town in the province of Milan, but … Wikipedia
Eduardo De Filippo — Infobox actor bgcolour = silver name = Eduardo De Filippo imagesize = 130px caption = birthdate = 24 May 1900 location = Naples ITA height = deathdate = 31 October 1984 deathplace = Rome birthname = othername = homepage = academyawards = Eduardo… … Wikipedia