- lombardesco
- lombardesco (pl -chi) agg ломбардский
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
lombardesco — lom·bar·dé·sco agg. BU di uso lombardo {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1Є metà XIII sec … Dizionario italiano
List of languages by first written accounts — This is a list of languages by first written accounts which consists of the approximate dates for the first written accounts that are known for various languages. Because of the way languages change gradually, it is usually impossible to pinpoint … Wikipedia
Western Lombard literature — This article is about literature written in Western Lombard (Insubric). The Insubric poet Caecilius Statius came from Milan, capital city of Insubres, and wrote in Latin, being one of the best Latin comedians, with Plautus and Terence. Throughout … Wikipedia
lombardesque — |lämˌbär|desk, bȧ|d , bə(r)|d adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Italian lombardesco, from lombardo + esco esque 1. : of or relating to a Lombard type or school 2. : of or relating to any of several Italian Renaissance painters… … Useful english dictionary