- libraio
- libràio ḿ 1) продавец книг 2) директор книжного магазина 3) non com переплётчик
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
libraio — li·brà·io s.m. 1. AD chi vende libri; proprietario o gestore di una libreria 2. BU rilegatore di libri 3. OB amanuense, copista {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 2Є metà XIII sec. nell accez. 3. ETIMO: dal lat. librarĭu(m), v. anche libro … Dizionario italiano
libraio — {{hw}}{{libraio}}{{/hw}}s. m. (f. a ) Venditore di libri … Enciclopedia di italiano
libraio — pl.m. librai sing.f. libraia pl.f. libraie … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
libralha — libraio f. les livres en général; péj. la littérature … Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu
Roberto Vecchioni — (born June 25, 1943) is an Italian professor,singer songwriter and writer.BiographyVecchioni was born in Carate Brianza, province of Milan, to a family of Neapolitan origin. In 1968 he graduated in Ancient Literatures at the Università Cattolica… … Wikipedia
Baldassare Verazzi — (6 January 1819, Caprezzo, Verbano Cusio Ossola, Piedmont 18 January 1886, Lesa) was an Italian painter.LifeHe studied at the Academy of Brera at Milan from 1833 to 1842, then under the Venetian Romantic painter Francesco Hayez (1791 1882) in… … Wikipedia
Baldassare Verazzi — Portrait de Fructuoso Rivera … Wikipédia en Français
Ubik — infobox Book | name = Ubik title orig = translator = image caption = Cover of first edition (hardcover) author = Philip K. Dick illustrator = cover artist = country = United States language = English series = genre = Science fiction novel… … Wikipedia
Conte Arrigoni degli Oddi — Display Case in Museo Civico di Zoologia Conte Arrigoni degli Oddi (1867 1942), was an Italian ornithologist. Publications In 1926 following the introduction of a national game law in for Italy in 1923 Oddi wrote a report on bird protection. He… … Wikipedia
Veronese Easters — Infobox Military Conflict conflict = Veronese Easters partof = the caption = Verona s Guardia Nobile (in blue and yellow and tricornes) and Schiavoni troops (in red jackets and black fezs,The Schiavoni or Slavonians were militias of regular… … Wikipedia
Adriano Banchieri — est né à Bologne le 3 septembre 1568, et décédé dans sa ville natale en 1634. Il y fonda l Accademia dei Fioridi. Il jouait de l orgue et avait reçu une formation de théoricien. Somma … Wikipédia en Français