
lécere v dif ant подобать, быть дозволенным, приличествовать non lece — не подобает, не дозволено, нельзя

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "lecere" в других словарях:

  • lecere — lé·ce·re, le·cé·re v.intr. OB LE var. → licere …   Dizionario italiano

  • Lazer — Recorded in a number of spellings including Leser, Lesor, Lesser, Leazor, Lazer, Lacer, Lesar, Leaser, Lecere, Le Sarr, Le Sieur, and Sieur, this is possibly (in England) a name of French origins. It derives from the medieval word Sieur , itself… …   Surnames reference

  • Le Sarr — Recorded in a number of spellings including Leser, Lesor, Lesser, Leazor, Lazer, Lacer, Lesar, Leaser, Lecere, Le Sarr, Le Sieur, and Sieur, this is possibly (in England) a name of French origins. It derives from the medieval word Sieur , itself… …   Surnames reference

  • Le Sieur — Recorded in a number of spellings including Leser, Lesor, Lesser, Leazor, Lazer, Lacer, Lesar, Leaser, Lecere, Le Sarr, Le Sieur, and Sieur, this is possibly (in England) a name of French origins. It derives from the medieval word Sieur , itself… …   Surnames reference

  • Leasor — Recorded in a number of spellings including Leser, Lesor, Lesser, Leazor, Lazer, Lacer, Lesar, Leaser, Lecere, Le Sarr, Le Sieur, and Sieur, this is possibly (in England) a name of French origins. It derives from the medieval word Sieur , itself… …   Surnames reference

  • Leser — Recorded in a number of spellings including Leser, Lesor, Lesser, Leazor, Lazer, Lacer, Lesar, Leaser, Lecere, Le Sarr, Le Sieur, and Sieur, this is possibly (in England) a name of French origins. It derives from the medieval word Sieur , itself… …   Surnames reference

  • Lesor — Recorded in a number of spellings including Leser, Lesor, Lesser, Leazor, Lazer, Lacer, Lesar, Leaser, Lecere, Le Sarr, Le Sieur, and Sieur, this is possibly (in England) a name of French origins. It derives from the medieval word Sieur , itself… …   Surnames reference

  • Lesser — Recorded in a number of spellings including Leser, Lesor, Lesser, Leazor, Lazer, Lacer, Lesar, Leaser, Lecere, Le Sarr, Le Sieur, and Sieur, this is possibly (in England) a name of French origins. It derives from the medieval word Sieur , itself… …   Surnames reference

  • Sieur — Recorded in a number of spellings including Leser, Lesor, Lesser, Leazor, Lazer, Lacer, Lesar, Leaser, Lecere, Le Sarr, Le Sieur, and Sieur, this is possibly (in England) a name of French origins. It derives from the medieval word Sieur , itself… …   Surnames reference

  • lecito — 1lé·ci·to agg., s.m. AU 1. agg., consentito in quanto conforme alle norme morali o di comportamento: azione lecita, discorsi leciti, contegno poco lecito; permesso dalla legge: rubare non è lecito Sinonimi: ammissibile, concesso, permesso; legale …   Dizionario italiano

  • licere — lì·ce·re v.intr. LE impers., essere lecito, permesso: né più si brama, né bramar più lice (Petrarca) {{line}} {{/line}} VARIANTI: lecere. DATA: av. 1294. ETIMO: dal lat. licēre. NOTA GRAMMATICALE: forme attestate: 3Є pers. sing. dell ind. pres.,… …   Dizionario italiano

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