
см. duemila

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "dumila" в других словарях:

  • dumila — du·mì·la agg.num.card.inv., s.m.inv. var. → duemila …   Dizionario italiano

  • Kilosa — is one of the 6 districts of the Morogoro Region of Tanzania. It is bordered to the North by the Tanga Region, to the East by the Mvomero District, to the South by the Kilombero District and to the West and Southwest by the Iringa… …   Wikipedia

  • Rose Mhando — (born 1976 in Dumila village, Kilosa District, Morogoro Region, Tanzania) is a popular east African single gospel artist cite news | title = Rose Mhando steals show at Nane Nane | url=http://arushatimes.co.tz/2004/32/features 9.htm | work = [http …   Wikipedia

  • duemila — du·e·mì·la agg.num.card.inv., s.m.inv. CO 1. agg.num.card.inv., che è pari a due migliaia (rappresentato da 2000 nella numerazione araba e da MM in quella romana): duemila spettatori, duemila chilometri, duemila lire | come componente di numeri:… …   Dizionario italiano

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