
1. agg
2. m, f
житель [жительница] / уроженец [уроженка] города Дублина

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "dublinese" в других словарях:

  • Dublinese — noun The dialect spoken in Dublin. His spicy language is both best quality Dublinese in the style of John Joyce and that of James Joyce the accomplished parodist …   Wiktionary

  • dublinese — du·bli·né·se agg., s.m. e f. CO agg., di Dublino | agg., s.m. e f., nativo o abitante di Dublino {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: der. di Dublino, nome della capitale dell Eire, con ese …   Dizionario italiano

  • dublinese — pl.m. e f. dublinesi …   Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari

  • Hugh Tinney — is an Irish pianist. Since he debuted in 1987 Proms, performing Beethoven s 5th Piano Concerto along with the BBC National Orchestra of Wales he has developed an intense concert career throughout the United Kingdom, having collaborated with… …   Wikipedia

  • Alex North — (Isadore Soifer),4 de diciembre de 1910, Chester, Pensilvania 8 de septiembre de 1991, Los Ángeles, fue un compositor de música para cine estadounidense. Autor de la banda sonora de varias películas ganadoras del premio Oscar. Biografía Estudió… …   Wikipedia Español

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