Смотреть что такое "iceberg" в других словарях:
Iceberg b-15 — Pour les articles homonymes, voir B 15. L iceberg B 15A, mise à jour mars 2006 … Wikipédia en Français
iceberg — [ isbɛrg; ajsbɛrg ] n. m. • 1839; ice berg 1819; mot angl., du norv. isberg « montagne de glace » ♦ Masse de glace flottante, détachée d un glacier polaire. Des icebergs. « La partie d un ice berg qui émerge de l eau n atteint qu environ 1/8 de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Iceberg B-15 — was the world s largest recorded iceberg. With an area of over 11,000 km², it was larger than the island of Jamaica. BackgroundCalved from the Ross Ice Shelf in March 2000, B 15 broke up into several pieces in 2000, 2002 and 2003, the largest of… … Wikipedia
Iceberg — steht für Iceberg (Modemarke), eine italienische Modemarke Iceberg Order, Vorgang an der Computerbörse Iceberg Slim (1918–1992), Zuhälter und Schriftsteller Iceberg Theory literarische Schreibtheorie Iceberg (Veranstaltung), Party in Wien… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Iceberg D-16 — is a city sized iceberg near Antarctica, discovered on March 26, 2006 by the National Ice Center using satellite imagery from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program. It broke free of the Fimbul Ice Shelf, located along the northwestern… … Wikipedia
Iceberg B-9 — (1987) 154 km by 35 km calved away from Antarctica, from the sector east of Roosevelt Island, neighbouring the Bay of Whales and immediately east of the calving site of Iceberg B 15. It carried away all three Little Americas.External links*… … Wikipedia
iceberg — (n.) 1774, partial loan translation of Du. ijsberg, lit. ice mountain, from ijs ice (see ICE (Cf. ice) (n.)) + berg mountain (see BARROW (Cf. barrow) (2)). An earlier term was sea hill (1690s). Phrase tip of the iceberg, in a figurative sense,… … Etymology dictionary
iceberg — (Del ingl. iceberg, y este del neerl. medio ijsberg). m. Gran masa de hielo flotante, desgajada del polo, que sobresale en parte de la superficie del mar. ☛ V. la punta del iceberg … Diccionario de la lengua española
iceberg — ► NOUN ▪ a large mass of ice floating in the sea. ● the tip of the iceberg Cf. ↑the tip of the iceberg ORIGIN Dutch ijsberg, from ijs ice + berg hill … English terms dictionary
iceberg — /ˈaizberɡ, ingl. ˈaɪsbYːɡ/ [vc. ol., ijsberg, letteralmente «monte (berg, col senso di «alto») di ghiaccio (ijs)»] s. m. inv. massa di ghiaccio galleggiante FRASEOLOGIA punta dell iceberg (fig.), parte evidente di un fenomeno … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Iceberg — Ice berg , n. [Prob. of Scand. origin; cf. Dan. iisbierg, Sw. isberg, properly, a mountain of ice. See {Ice}, and {Berg}.] A large mass of ice, generally floating in the ocean. [1913 Webster] Note: Icebergs are large detached portions of glaciers … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English