- iacea
- iacèa f bot василёк луговой
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
iacea — ia·cè·a s.f. TS bot.com. nome comune della Centaurea iacea, spontanea su terreni sassosi, la cui radice è impiegata nella medicina popolare come febbrifugo, stomatico e tonico Sinonimi: stoppione. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XIV. ETIMO: dal lat … Dizionario italiano
iacea — pl.f. iacee … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Aéro-Club de France — Contexte général Champs d’action Société d encouragement à la locomotion aérienne Zone d’influence … Wikipédia en Français
International Air Cadet Exchange — The International Air Cadet Exchange is an annual student exchange program designed to promote character, good will, and cooperation among the world s civilian auxiliary aviation programs. Participants come from organizations such as the Air… … Wikipedia
Girls Venture Corps Air Cadets — The Girls Venture Corps Air Cadets (GVCAC) is a voluntary uniformed youth organisation for girls aged between 11 and 21, It is also a registered charity [http://www.charitiestrust.org/charities/GirlsVentureCorpsAirCadets/index.html] . The current … Wikipedia
Papierblume, die — Die Papierblume, plur. die n, ein Nahme, welchen in einigen Gegenden die gemeine Flockenblume, Centaurea Iacea L. führet … Grammatisch-kritisches Wörterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart
stoppione — stop·pió·ne s.m. TS bot.com. 1. → iacea 2. → scardaccione {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1301 03. ETIMO: der. di stoppia con 1 one … Dizionario italiano
pensée — I. Pensée, Cogitatio, Cogitatum, Mens, Animus. Pensée pure et nette, Mens syncera. La pensée du peuple, Populi sensus. Bud. ex Cicer. Pensées qui ne sont point viriles, Mollissimae cogitationes. C est cy vostre coeur et toute vostre pensée, Hic… … Thresor de la langue françoyse