Смотреть что такое "hurrah" в других словарях:
Hurrah! — were a British indie pop band who were associated with the C86 movement. After releasing a handful of singles on Kitchenware label, they band signed to Arista Records for the release of their debut long player Tell God I m Here . [… … Wikipedia
Hurrah — Hur*rah Hurra Hur*ra , interj. [Cf. G., Dan., & Sw. hurra. Cf. {Huzza}.] A word used as a shout of joy, triumph, applause, encouragement, or welcome. [1913 Webster] Hurrah! hurrah! for Ivry and Henry of Navarre. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hurrah — Hur*rah , n. A cheer; a shout of joy, etc. [1913 Webster] {Hurrah s nest}, state of utmost confusion. [Colloq. U.S.] [1913 Webster] A perfect hurrah s nest in our kitchen. Mrs. Stowe. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hurrah — [hə rä′, hərô′] interj. [ult. of echoic orig.] HURRAY n. 1. an instance of shouting “hurrah” 2. excitement, tumult, commotion, etc. vi., vt. to shout “hurrah” (for); cheer … English World dictionary
Hurrah — Hur*rah , v. i. To utter hurrahs; to huzza. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hurrah — Hur*rah , v. t. To salute, or applaud, with hurrahs. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hurrah! — 1) der Begrüßungsruf in allen Marinen für ankommende, abgehende od. vorbeikommende Rotabilitäten hohen Ranges. Die Anzahl der Hurrahrufe richtet sich nach dem Range des Begrüßten; einem Admirale gebühren 13, Viceadmiralen 11, Contreadmiralen 9… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
hurrah — (o hurrà): v. urrà … Enciclopedia Italiana
hurrah — 1680s, alteration of HUZZA (Cf. huzza), similar to shouts recorded in German, Danish, Swedish. Perhaps picked up during Thirty Years War. Hurra was said to be the battle cry of Prussian soldiers during the War of Liberation (1812 13). Hooray is… … Etymology dictionary
hurrah — (also hooray, hurray) ► EXCLAMATION ▪ used to express joy or approval. ORIGIN alteration of HUZZA(Cf. ↑H) … English terms dictionary
hurrah — hourra [ ura; hura ] n. m. VAR. hurrah • 1814 ; houra 1722; angl. hussa, du russe hurrah (XVIIe) ♦ Cri d acclamation poussé par les marins. L amiral fut salué d un triple hourra. ♢ Cour. Cri d enthousiasme, d acclamation. « des hourras et des… … Encyclopédie Universelle