Смотреть что такое "horse-power" в других словарях:
Horse power — Horse pow er 1. The power which a horse exerts. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mach.) A unit of power, used in stating the power required to drive machinery, and in estimating the capabilities of animals or steam engines and other prime movers for doing work … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
horse power — UK US (plural horse power) (also horsepower) noun [C or U] (ABBREVIATION hp) MEASURES ► a unit used for measuring the power of an engine: »Horse power rates the engine performance of cars and even lawn mowers. »With a 520 horsepower, V12 engine,… … Financial and business terms
horse power — [ ɔʀspɔwœʀ] n. m. invar. ÉTYM. V. 1820; angl. horse power « cheval puissance », de horse « cheval », et power « puissance; pouvoir ». ❖ ♦ Anglic., techn. Unité de puissance adoptée en Angleterre et équivalant à 75,9 kilogrammètres par seconde (→… … Encyclopédie Universelle
*horse power — ● horse power nom masculin invariable (anglais horse power, puissance de travail d un cheval) Unité de puissance (symbole HP) utilisée en Grande Bretagne, et qui vaut 0,745 7 kW … Encyclopédie Universelle
Horse-power — (engl., spr. hórs pauer), s. Pferdekraft … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Horse-power — (engl., spr. hohrs pauer), Pferdestärke (s.d.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
horse-power — [ ɔrspɔwɶr ] n. m. inv. • v. 1820; mot angl. « cheval puissance » ♦ Mécan. Unité de puissance adoptée en Grande Bretagne et équivalant à 75,9 kilogrammètres par seconde. ⇒ cheval vapeur. Abrév. (1907) HP [ aʃpe ] … Encyclopédie Universelle
horse-power — hor·se po·wer s.m.inv. TS fis. unità di misura della potenza meccanica, corrispondente a 1,014 cavalli vapore (simb. HP, hp) {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1860. ETIMO: dall ingl. horse power, comp. di horse cavallo e power potenza … Dizionario italiano
Horse power (machine) — A horse power (also rendered horse power) is a now largely obsolete machine for using draft horses to power other machinery. It is a type of animal engine somewhat more sophisticated than a horse mill. A common design for the horse power was a… … Wikipedia
HORSE-POWER — the unit of work of a steam engine, being the power to raise 33,000 lbs. one foot in one minute … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
horse power — unit for measuring the power of engines (equal to 746 watts); unit of the supplier of energy (approximately 760 watts) … English contemporary dictionary