Смотреть что такое "grader" в других словарях:
Grader — O K F 156 A älterer, motorloser, gezogen … Deutsch Wikipedia
grader — [ gradɶr ] n. m. • 1931; mot angl., de to grade « niveler » ♦ Anglic. Techn. Niveleuse. Recomm. offic. profileuse n. f. ● grader nom masculin (anglais to grade, régulariser) Niveleuse. grader v. intr. ( … Encyclopédie Universelle
grader — ☆ grader [grād′ər ] n. 1. a person or thing that grades 2. a pupil in a (specified) grade at a school [a fifth grader]: sometimes, in compounding, written grader … English World dictionary
Grader — Grad er, n. 1. One who grades, or that by means of which grading is done or facilitated. 2. Specifically: A vehicle used for levelling earth, esp. one with a plow blade suspended from the center, used specifically for grading roads. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
grader — 1868, of machines; 1870, of persons, agent noun from GRADE (Cf. grade) (v.) … Etymology dictionary
Grader — Modern grader, in foreground A grader, also commonly referred to as a road grader, a blade, a maintainer, or a motor grader, is a construction machine with a long blade used to create a flat surface. Typical models have three axles, with the… … Wikipedia
grader — /gray deuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that grades. 2. a pupil of a specified grade at school: a fourth grader. 3. a machine for grading. [1840 50, Amer.; GRADE + ER1] * * * ▪ excavation vehicle in excavation, precision finishing vehicle for … Universalium
-grader — [[t] greɪdə(r)[/t]] graders COMB in N COUNT grader combines with words such as first and second to form nouns which refer to a child or young person who is in a particular grade in the American education system. Randy Stillwell is a sixth grader… … English dictionary
grader — noun Date: 1832 1. one that grades 2. a machine for leveling earth 3. a pupil in a school grade < a fifth grader > … New Collegiate Dictionary
grader — noun a) A machine used in construction for flattening large surfaces A first grader. b) One who grades, or that by means of which grading is done or facilitated … Wiktionary
grader — gra·dèr s.m.inv. TS tecn. macchina livellatrice, usata spec. nei lavori stradali {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: dall ingl. grader, der. di (to) grade livellare … Dizionario italiano