- giottesco
- giottésco (pl -chi) agg pitt в манере Джотто
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
giottesco — giot·té·sco agg., s.m. TS pitt. 1. agg., relativo a Giotto o alla sua pittura 2. s.m., pittore seguace della scuola di Giotto {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1810. ETIMO: der. di Giotto, nome del pittore fiorentino Giotto di Bondone (1266 1337), con … Dizionario italiano
Basílica de San Francisco de Asís — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda … Wikipedia Español
Giotto di Bondone — Giotto redirects here. For other uses, see Giotto (disambiguation). Giotto Statue representing Giotto, outside the Uffizi Birth name Giotto di Bondone … Wikipedia
Religious Painting — Religious Painting † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Religious Painting Painting has always been associated with the life of the Church. From the time of the Catacombs it has been used in ecclesiastical ornamentation, and for centuries after… … Catholic encyclopedia
Memmo di Filipuccio — Virgen con el Niño entre los santos Pedro y Santiago, Certaldo … Wikipedia Español
Meister der Pietá Fogg — Meister der Pietá Fogg: Beweinung Christi (Pietá), Italien, um 1310 Als Meister der Pietá Fogg (engl. Master of the Fogg Pietá} wird ein Maler der Frührenaissance in Italien zum Anfang des 14. Jahrhunderts bezeichnet. Der namentlich nicht… … Deutsch Wikipedia
giottesque — ● giottesque adjectif et nom Qui appartient à Giotto ou à sa sphère d influence. ⇒GIOTTESQUE, adj. Propre à Giotto, aux caractéristiques de son art. Au milieu du quinzième siècle, Parro Spinelli, Lorenzo Bicci, répètent fidèlement le style… … Encyclopédie Universelle
giottesque — (ˈ)jȯ|tesk, jē|ȯ|t adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Italian giottesco, from Giotto di Bondone died 1337? Florentine painter + Italian esco esque : resembling the broad and simple style of the painter Giotto … Useful english dictionary