- giansenismo
- gianseniśmo m st rel янсенизм
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
giansenismo — gian·se·nì·smo s.m. 1. TS relig. dottrina morale e teologica eretica fondata da Giansenio e diffusasi spec. in Francia nel Seicento e Settecento, che riduceva o annullava l azione del libero arbitrio e proponeva una riforma della morale in senso… … Dizionario italiano
giansenismo — {{hw}}{{giansenismo}}{{/hw}}s. m. Dottrina morale e teologica risalente al vescovo Giansenio d Ypres, seguita dai religiosi di Port Royal in Francia nel XVII sec … Enciclopedia di italiano
giansenismo — pl.m. giansenismi … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Luigi Mozzi — (born at Bergamo 26 May1746; died near Milan 24 June1813) was an Italian Jesuit controversialist.LifeHe entered the Society of Jesus in 1763, and on its suppression was received into the Diocese of Bergamo, where he was shortly made a canon, and… … Wikipedia
Luigi Mozzi — Luigi Mozzi † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Luigi Mozzi Controversialist, born at Bergamo, 26 May, 1746; died near Milan, 24 June, 1813. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1763, and on its suppression was received into the Diocese of… … Catholic encyclopedia
giansenista — gian·se·nì·sta agg., s.m. e f. TS relig. 1. agg., relativo al giansenismo e ai giansenisti Sinonimi: giansenistico, portorealista. 2. agg., s.m. e f., seguace, sostenitore del giansenismo Sinonimi: portorealista. 3. agg., s.m. e f. CO estens.,… … Dizionario italiano
Anticurialism — refers to a juridical and philosophical line of thought that conglomerates a group of theories and political positions which sprung up in Naples after the Council of Trent and which lasted until the modern day and led to the suppression of the… … Wikipedia
ЕМОЛО — (Jemolo), Артуро Карло (р. 17.I.1891) итал. католич. правовед и историк. С 1933 проф. церк. права в Римском ун те. Чл. Нац. академии деи Линчеи. Сотрудничает в газ. La Stampa , журн. Il Ponte и др. периодич. изданиях. Автор ряда работ гл. обр. по … Советская историческая энциклопедия
Pietro Tamburini — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tamburini. Portrait de Pietro Tamburini (1737 1827). Gravure anonyme du XIXe siècle. Pietro Tamburini (né le 1e … Wikipédia en Français
Альфонс Мария де Лигуори — (Alfonso Maria de Liguori), св. богослов, Учитель Церкви, епископ, основатель Конгрегации Святейшего Искупителя (CSSR, редемптористы), Doctor zelantissimus (Доктор ревностнейший); род. 27.09.1696, Марианелла, ок. Неаполя, ум. 1.08.1787, Пагани… … Католическая энциклопедия
giansenista — {{hw}}{{giansenista}}{{/hw}}s. m. e f. (pl. m. i ) Seguace del giansenismo … Enciclopedia di italiano