- fraglia
- fràglia f ant братство <корпорация> артистов и ремесленников
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Fraglia — La fraglia (au pluriel fraglie) ou fragia ou encore frala, est un terme désignant la « confrérie ». Le mot dérivé de fratalia ou fratalea indique en Vénétie et dans les territoires limitrophes faisant partie de la République de Venise… … Wikipédia en Français
fraglia — frà·glia s.f. TS stor. nel Veneto, in epoca medievale, corporazione di arti e mestieri Sinonimi: 1frataglia. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1283. ETIMO: da frataglia con sincope, cfr. venez. ant. fragia … Dizionario italiano
fraglia — pl.f. fraglie … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo — See also Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (or Giandomenico Tiepolo); or Lorenzo Baldissera Tiepolo, both sons of Giovanni Battista. Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, also known as Gianbattista or Giambattista Tiepolo (March 5, 1696 March 27, 1770) was a… … Wikipedia
Giambattista Pittoni — (1687 1767) was an Italian painter of the late Baroque or Rococo period, active mainly in his native Venice. Pittoni is best known for his grand manner canvases depicting religious, historical, and mythological subjects (such as Sophonisba and… … Wikipedia
Michele Marieschi — Fantastic Landscape (an example of a capriccio) by Marieschi. Michele Marieschi (1710–1743), also known as Michiel, was a Venetian painter of landscapes and cityscapes (i.e., a vedutista) who painted his vedute, or views, mostly in Venice. Less… … Wikipedia
Girolamo Forabosco — (Venice, 1605 Padua, 23 January 1679) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. He was active in Padua and Venice, where he was enrolled in the Venetian Fraglia dei Pittori between 1634 39 and paid taxes in Venice from 1640 44. He was a pupil … Wikipedia
Francesco Battaglioli — (c. 1722 1796?) was an Italian painter, known as painter of veduta and Cappriccios based on the scenery of Venice and the Venetian mainland (Brescia and Treviso). Born in Modena. He is said to have been a pupil of Raffaello Rinaldi. He joined the … Wikipedia
Andrea Celesti — (1637 1712) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, working in Venice. His style gravitated over the years from a turgid and academic weightiness to a lighter, looser brushstroke.BiographyCelesti was born in Venice and is buried in… … Wikipedia
Odoardo Fialetti — Odoardo Fialetti, Copperplate engraving in Tabulae Anatomicae by the Itlaian anatomist Giulio Casserio. Venice, 1627. National Library of Medicine Odoardo Fialetti (1573 1638?) was an Italian painter and printmaker who began his training during… … Wikipedia
Bartolomeo Nazari — (May 31, 1693 August 24, 1758) was an Italian painter of the late Baroque, mainly active in Venice as a portraitist. Born in Clusone, near Bergamo. By 1716, he had become an apprentice under Angelo Trevisani, but visited in 1723 the Roman studio… … Wikipedia