- fistuca
- fistuca f v. festuca
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Fistuca — Fis*tu ca, n. [L.] An instrument used by the ancients in driving piles. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fistuca — or festuca /fastyuwka/ In old English law, the rod or wand, by the delivery of which the property in land was formerly transferred in making a feoffment. Called, also, baculum, virga, and fastis. + festuca /festyuwka/ In Prankish law, a rod or… … Black's law dictionary
fistuca — or festuca /fastyuwka/ In old English law, the rod or wand, by the delivery of which the property in land was formerly transferred in making a feoffment. Called, also, baculum, virga, and fastis. + festuca /festyuwka/ In Prankish law, a rod or… … Black's law dictionary
FISTUCA ut et FESTUCA — FISTUCA, ut et FESTUCA baculus, virga, fustis dicitur, cuius traditione transferri solent praedia, vel rei alicuius dominium. virga enim omni aetate, omni populo, etiam antiquissimis Auctorum testimoniis, Homeri, Herod. ipsuisqueve S. Scripturae… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
fistuca or festuca — /fastyuwka/ In old English law, the rod or wand, by the delivery of which the property in land was formerly transferred in making a feoffment. Called, also, baculum, virga, and fastis. + festuca /festyuwka/ In Prankish law, a rod or staff or (as… … Black's law dictionary
fistuca or festuca — /fastyuwka/ In old English law, the rod or wand, by the delivery of which the property in land was formerly transferred in making a feoffment. Called, also, baculum, virga, and fastis. + festuca /festyuwka/ In Prankish law, a rod or staff or (as… … Black's law dictionary
fistuca — A rod or staff used as a symbol in making livery of seisin … Ballentine's law dictionary
festuca — fistuca or festuca /fastyuwka/ In old English law, the rod or wand, by the delivery of which the property in land was formerly transferred in making a feoffment. Called, also, baculum, virga, and fastis. + festuca /festyuwka/ In Prankish law, a… … Black's law dictionary
festuca — fistuca or festuca /fastyuwka/ In old English law, the rod or wand, by the delivery of which the property in land was formerly transferred in making a feoffment. Called, also, baculum, virga, and fastis. + festuca /festyuwka/ In Prankish law, a… … Black's law dictionary
pilotis — Pilotis, Palatio palationis, Sublica sublicae, Fistuca, Pali fistuca adacti … Thresor de la langue françoyse
FESTUCA — I. FESTUCA in donationibus ac investituris adhibita, de quibus suo loco. Vide quoqueve supra in voce Affatomiae it. Andelangus. In divinationibus in voce Tenus. Hinc Festucinus coloris apud Venetos nomen de quo vide infra in voce Vetula. II.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale