figliuolo — fi·gliuò·lo s.m. LE var. → figliolo … Dizionario italiano
Los Gumer — Título Los Gumer Género Videojuegos Creado por Sergio Figliuolo,Pedro Maccarone, Francisco Gindre Presentado por Sergio Figliuolo Narrado por Sergio Figliuolo País de origen … Wikipedia Español
Titular see of Bethlehem — Bishop of Bethlehem redirects here. For modern bishops and dioceses of this name in the USA and South Africa, see Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem and Roman Catholic Diocese of Bethlehem. The See or Diocese of Bethlehem was a diocese in the Roman… … Wikipedia
Guerrin et l'Homme sauvage — Conte populaire Titre Guerrin et l Homme sauvage Titre original L uomo salvatico Folklore Genre Conte merveilleux Aarne Thompson AT 502 … Wikipédia en Français
Giacomo Antonio Perti — (June 6, 1661 ndash; April 10, 1756) was an Italian composer of the Baroque era. He was mainly active at Bologna, where he was Maestro di Cappella for sixty years. He was the teacher of Giuseppe Torelli and Giovanni Battista Martini. Life He was… … Wikipedia
Teofilo Folengo — Portrait by Romanino Teofilo Folengo (November 8, 1491 – December 9, 1544), who wrote under the pseudonym of Merlino Coccajo[1] or Merlinus Coccaius, was one of the principal Italian macaronic poets. Biography Folengo was born of noble parentage… … Wikipedia
Ospedale Maggiore — The courtyard of the Ospedale Maggiore. General information Town or city … Wikipedia
Pietro Ranzano — (1428 1492) was a Dominican friar, historian, humanist and scholar who is most well known for his work, De primordiis et progressu felicis Urbis Panormi , a history of the city of Palermo from its beginnings up until the contemporary period in… … Wikipedia
Paolo Dagomari di Prato — Paolo Dagomari da Prato (1282 ndash;1374), known in Latin as Paulus Geometrus ( Paolo il Geometra , Paul the Geometer ), was a noted Florentine mathematician and astronomer, such a maestro dell abbaco (master/teacher of the abacus) that he gained … Wikipedia
Maurizio Moro — (15?? 16??) was an Italian poet of the 16th century, best known for his madrigals. Life Very little is known about his early life. Probably born in Ferrara, he became presbyter ( canonico ) at the Congregazione di S Giorgio d Alga in Venice, and… … Wikipedia
Фоленго — (Girolamo, в монашестве Teofilo Folengo) выдающийся итальянский поэт, наиболее видный представитель так называемой макаронической поэзии (см.). Род. в 1492 г. близ Мантуи. Поступил в монастырь бенедиктинского ордена, но вследствие раздоров,… … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона