
epigamìa f biol эпигамия

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "epigamia" в других словарях:

  • Epigamia — In ancient Greece Epigamia (Greek language: Επιγαμια), designated the legal right to contract a marriage. In particular it strongly regulated the right of intermarrying between different states. Traditionally, intermarriage between different… …   Wikipedia

  • epigamia — 1e·pi·ga·mì·a s.f. TS stor. nell antica Grecia: permesso, spec. collettivo, di sposarsi fra abitanti di città alleate {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1834. ETIMO: dal gr. epigamía, comp. di epi sopra e gamía gamia . 2e·pi·ga·mì·a s.f. 1. TS biol. →… …   Dizionario italiano

  • epigamia — epigamia1 pl.f. epigamie epigamia2 pl.f. epigamie …   Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari

  • ancient Greek civilization — ▪ historical region, Eurasia Introduction       the period following Mycenaean civilization, which ended in about 1200 BC, to the death of Alexander the Great, in 323 BC. It was a period of political, philosophical, artistic, and scientific… …   Universalium

  • Maurya Empire — Mauryan Empire ← …   Wikipedia

  • Ashoka the Great — Infobox Monarch name =Asoka the Great title =Mauryan Emperor caption =Modern reconstruction of Asoka s portrait reign =273 BC 232 BC coronation = othertitles =Devanampriya Priyadarsi, Dhamma full name =Asoka Maurya predecessor =Bindusara… …   Wikipedia

  • Seleucid Empire — The Seleucid Empire /sə lusɪd/ (312 63 BC) was a Hellenistic empire, i.e. a successor state of Alexander the Great s empire. The Seleucid Empire was centered in the near East and at the height of its power included central Anatolia, the Levant,… …   Wikipedia

  • Seleucus I Nicator — Infobox Monarch name =Seleucus I Nicator title =Seleucid king caption =Coin of Seleucus I Nicator. reign =305 BCE 281 BCE coronation = othertitles = full name = predecessor = successor = suc type = heir = queen =Apama consort = spouse 1 = spouse… …   Wikipedia

  • Indo-Greek Kingdom — Infobox Former Country native name = conventional long name = Indo Greek Kingdom common name = Indo Greek Kingdom continent = Asia region = country = era = Antiquity status = event start = year start = 180 BC date start = event1 = date event1 =… …   Wikipedia

  • Greco-Bactrian Kingdom — Infobox Former Country native name = conventional long name = Greco Bactrian Kingdom common name = Greco Bactrian Kingdom continent = Asia region = country = era = Antiquity status = event start = year start = 256 BC date start = event1 = date… …   Wikipedia

  • Imperio seléucida — Para el imperio turco medieval de nombre similar, véase Dinastía Selyúcida. Arche Seleukeia Imperio seléucida …   Wikipedia Español

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