Смотреть что такое "cudù" в других словарях:
cudù — cu·dù s.m.inv. TS nome comune delle antilopi africane del genere Tragelaphus con lunghe corna a spirale {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1875. ETIMO: da una voce bantu. POLIREMATICHE: cudù maggiore: loc.s.f. TS … Dizionario italiano
cudú — ► sustantivo masculino ZOOLOGÍA Mamífero artiodáctilo africano del grupo de los antílopes, grande, de pelo corto y gris, y cuernos espiralados en el macho, que vive en las sabanas y praderas al sur del Sahara. (Strepticeros.) IRREG. en plural… … Enciclopedia Universal
cudu — see cwudu … Old to modern English dictionary
cudù — {{hw}}{{cudù}}{{/hw}}s. m. Grossa antilope africana con lunghe corna elicoidali e pelo grigiastro con strie verticali bianche sui fianchi … Enciclopedia di italiano
cudù — s. m. antilope africana … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
çudu — (Quba) bax çodi … Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti
çudu — is. Lay lay xəmirdən ətli və ya qozlu qoğal … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti
Xpi'cudu — Nuestro perro, nuestra perra … Vocabulario del idioma zapoteco istmeño
čudo — čȕdo [b] (I)[/b] sr <N mn a/čudèsa, G čȗdā/čudésā> DEFINICIJA 1. bibl. pojava ili čin u kojem se vidi djelo Boga mimo prirodnih zakona 2. nešto što se događa mimo očekivanja, predviđenog toka ili prirodnih zakona 3. razg. neobrazložen… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Cud — (k[u^]d), n. [AS. cudu, cwudu,cwidu,cweodo, of uncertain origin; cf, G. k[ o]der bait, Icel. kvi[eth]r womb, Goth. qi[thorn]us. Cf. {Quid}.] 1. That portion of food which is brought up into the mouth by ruminating animals from their first stomach … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
To chew the cud — Cud Cud (k[u^]d), n. [AS. cudu, cwudu,cwidu,cweodo, of uncertain origin; cf, G. k[ o]der bait, Icel. kvi[eth]r womb, Goth. qi[thorn]us. Cf. {Quid}.] 1. That portion of food which is brought up into the mouth by ruminating animals from their first … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English