- cotidian-
- cotidian- lett v. quotidian-
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
cotidian — COTIDIÁN, Ă, cotidiani, e, adj., (2) cotidiene, s.n. 1. adj. De fiecare zi; zilnic. 2. s.n. Gazetă care apare zilnic. [pr.: di an] – Din fr. quotidien, lat. quotidianus. Trimis de cata, 11.02.2009. Sursa: DEX 98 … Dicționar Român
cotidian — cotidial, cotidian see quoti … Useful english dictionary
cotidián — I. adj. m. (sil. di an), pl. cotidiéni (sil. di eni); f. sg. cotidiánã, pl. cotidiéne II. s. n. (sil. di an), pl. cotidiene (sil. di e ) … Romanian orthography
Cluj-Napoca — Cluj redirects here. For other uses, see Cluj (disambiguation). Coordinates: 46°46′N 23°35′E / 46.767°N 23.583°E / 46.767; 23.583 … Wikipedia
zilnic — ZÍLNIC, Ă, zilnici, ce, adj. (Adesea adverbial) De fiecare zi, cotidian; p. ext. obişnuit, banal. ♢ Pâine zilnică = hrană, existenţă de toate zilele. – Zi + suf. nic. Trimis de valeriu, 02.06.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 ZÍLNIC2 adv. În fiecare zi. (din … Dicționar Român
List of Romanian language television channels — This is a list of television channels that broadcast for a Romanian language audience. Typically, non Romanian content is subtitled, but maintains the original language soundtrack. Non Romanian programming intended for children, is however,… … Wikipedia
quotidien — quotidien, ienne [ kɔtidjɛ̃, jɛn ] adj. et n. m. • XIIe; lat. quotidianus 1 ♦ De chaque jour; qui se fait, revient tous les jours. ⇒ journalier. Le pain quotidien. Ration quotidienne. La vie quotidienne. « Il accomplissait sa petite tâche… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Quotidian — Quo*tid i*an (kw[ o]*t[i^]d [i^]*an), a. [OE. cotidian, L. quotidianus, fr. quotidie daily; quotus how many + dies day: cf. OF. cotidien, F. quotidien. See {Quota}, {Deity}.] Occurring or returning daily; as, a quotidian fever. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quotidian — adjective Etymology: Middle English cotidian, from Anglo French, from Latin quotidianus, cotidianus, from quotidie every day, from quot (as) many as + dies day more at deity Date: 14th century 1. occurring every day < quotidian fever > 2. a.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Dalmatian language — This article is about the extinct Romance language. For the language of modern region of Dalmatia see Croatian language. For other uses, see Dalmatian. Dalmatian Spoken in Croatia, Montenegro Region Adriatic coast Extinct 10 June … Wikipedia
Human rights in Transnistria — Human rights of Transnistria have been under severe criticism by several governments and international organizations. The Republic of Moldova, as well as other states and NGOs claim that the government of Transnistria is authoritarian and has a… … Wikipedia