- coronatore
- coronatóre ḿ венчающий, увенчивающий
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
coronatore eligendo — See de coronatore eligendo … Ballentine's law dictionary
coronatore exonerando — See de coronatore exonerando … Ballentine's law dictionary
coronatore eligendo — /koranatoriy elajendow/ In English law, the name of a writ issued to the sheriff, commanding him to proceed to the election of a coroner … Black's law dictionary
coronatore exonerando — /koranatoriy ekzonaraendow/ In English law, the name of a writ for the removal of a coroner, for a cause which is to be therein assigned, as that he is engaged in other business, or incapacitated by years or sickness, or has not a sufficient… … Black's law dictionary
coronatore eligendo — /koranatoriy elajendow/ In English law, the name of a writ issued to the sheriff, commanding him to proceed to the election of a coroner … Black's law dictionary
coronatore exonerando — /koranatoriy ekzonaraendow/ In English law, the name of a writ for the removal of a coroner, for a cause which is to be therein assigned, as that he is engaged in other business, or incapacitated by years or sickness, or has not a sufficient… … Black's law dictionary
de coronatore eligendo — /diy koranstoriy ebjendow/ Writ for electing a coroner. A writ issued to the sheriff in England, commanding him to proceed to the election of a coroner, which is done in full county court, the freeholders being the electors … Black's law dictionary
de coronatore exonerando — /diy koranatoriy aksonsraendow/ Writ for discharging or removing a coroner. A writ by which a coroner in England may be removed from office for some cause therein assigned. 1 Bl.Comm. 348 … Black's law dictionary
de coronatore eligendo — /diy koranstoriy ebjendow/ Writ for electing a coroner. A writ issued to the sheriff in England, commanding him to proceed to the election of a coroner, which is done in full county court, the freeholders being the electors … Black's law dictionary
de coronatore exonerando — /diy koranatoriy aksonsraendow/ Writ for discharging or removing a coroner. A writ by which a coroner in England may be removed from office for some cause therein assigned. 1 Bl.Comm. 348 … Black's law dictionary
de coronatore eligendo — For the election of a coroner,–a writ for the election of a coroner which was originally an elective office. After election, the writ was returned in chancery and was a judicial act of record. The office did not cease with the king s death, but… … Ballentine's law dictionary