di là da venire
Смотреть что такое "di là da venire" в других словарях:
venire — [lat. vĕnire ] (pres. indic. vèngo, vièni, viène, veniamo, venite, vèngono ; pres. cong. vènga, veniamo, veniate, vèngano ; imperat. vièni, venite ; fut. verrò, ecc.; condiz. verrèi, ecc.; pass. rem. vénni, venisti... vénnero ; part. pres.… … Enciclopedia Italiana
venire — ve·ni·re /və nī rē/ n [probably from venireman]: a panel from which a jury is to be selected compare array Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Venire contra factum proprium — (lat. Zuwiderhandlung gegen das eigene frühere Verhalten) bezeichnet im deutschen Schuldrecht einen bestimmten Fall des Verstoßes gegen den Grundsatz von Treu und Glauben, der im Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch in § 242 festgeschrieben ist. Danach ist es … Deutsch Wikipedia
Venire facias de novo — Latin literally (you)cause to come anew . Venire facias (literally (you) cause to come )is a writ issued by an official of the court summoning prospective jurors. Venire facias de novo is a legal term which the court uses when there has been some … Wikipedia
venire — [və nī′rē] n. 〚L, COME〛 1. short for VENIRE FACIAS 2. a list or group of people from among whom a jury or juries will be selected * * * ve·ni·re (və nīʹrē, nîrʹē) n. 1. A writ issued by a judge to a sheriff d … Universalium
venire facias — venire fa·ci·as / fā shē əs/ n [Medieval Latin venire facias ( juratores or juratam ) may you cause (the jurors or the jury) to come (words used in the writ)]: a writ ordering a sheriff to summon a jury Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law.… … Law dictionary
venire — VENÍRE, veniri, s.f. Acţiunea de a veni şi rezultatul ei; sosire, apariţie; prezentare; venită. ♦ Năvălire. – v. veni. Trimis de kstefani, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 Venire ≠ plecare Trimis de siveco, 03.08.2004. Sursa: Antonime VENÍRE s. 1. v … Dicționar Român
venire fa|ci|as — «FAY shee as», = venire. (Cf. ↑venire) … Useful english dictionary
venire — facias Ve*ni re fa ci*as [L., make, or cause, to come.] (Law) (a) A judicial writ or precept directed to the sheriff, requiring him to cause a certain number of qualified persons to appear in court at a specified time, to serve as jurors in said… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Venire facias — Ve*ni re fa ci*as [L., make, or cause, to come.] (Law) (a) A judicial writ or precept directed to the sheriff, requiring him to cause a certain number of qualified persons to appear in court at a specified time, to serve as jurors in said court.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
venire — 1660s, elliptical for venire facias (mid 15c.), Latin, lit. “that you cause to come,” formerly the first words in a writ to a sheriff to summon a jury. See VENUE (Cf. venue) … Etymology dictionary