- decussare
vtперекрещивать, скрещивать
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
decussare — de·cus·sà·re v.tr. BU disporre, incrociare a forma di X Sinonimi: intersecare. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: av. 1537. ETIMO: dal lat. decŭssāre, v. anche decusse … Dizionario italiano
dekussiert — de|kus|siert 〈Adj.; Bot.〉 kreuzweise gegenständig (Blattstellung) [zu lat. decussare „kreuzweise in Form eines X abteilen“] * * * de|kus|siert <Adj.> [zu lat. decussare = kreuzweise abteilen] (Bot.): (von der Blattstellung bei Pflanzen)… … Universal-Lexikon
croiser — Croiser, actiu. acut. C est mettre en forme de croix. Il vient aussi de crois, Decussare, comme Croisez ces deux bastons. In crucis modum apta. Croiser aussi est canceller une escriture, comme, Ses parties ont esté croisées, Tabulae expensi… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Decussate — De*cus sate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Decussated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Decussating}.] [L. decussatus, p. p. of decussare to cross like an X, fr. decussis (orig. equiv. to decem asses) the number ten, which the Romans represented by X.] To cross at an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Decussated — Decussate De*cus sate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Decussated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Decussating}.] [L. decussatus, p. p. of decussare to cross like an X, fr. decussis (orig. equiv. to decem asses) the number ten, which the Romans represented by X.] To… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Decussating — Decussate De*cus sate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Decussated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Decussating}.] [L. decussatus, p. p. of decussare to cross like an X, fr. decussis (orig. equiv. to decem asses) the number ten, which the Romans represented by X.] To… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
decussate — I. verb ( sated; sating) Etymology: Latin decussatus, past participle of decussare to arrange crosswise, from decussis the number ten, numeral X, intersection, from decem + ass , as unit more at ace Date: 1658 intersect, cross II. adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
decussate — decussately, adv. v. /di kus ayt, dek euh sayt /; adj. /di kus ayt, it/, v., decussated, decussating, adj. v.t., v.i. 1. to cross in the form of an X; intersect. adj. 2. in the form of an X; crossed; intersected. 3. Bot. arranged along the stem… … Universalium
decussate — 1. To cross. 2. Crossed like the arms of an X. [L. decusso, pp. atus, to make in the form of an X, fr. decussis, a large, bronze Roman (2nd c. BC), 10 unit coin marked with an X to indicate its denomination] * * * de·cus·sate dek ə .sāt, di kəs… … Medical dictionary
décussation — ● décussation nom féminin (latin decussatio, onis) Décussation des pyramides, croisement, à la partie inférieure du bulbe rachidien, des cordons moteurs latéraux de la moelle (faisceaux pyramidaux croisés). [Il résulte de la décussation que les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
decussato — de·cus·sà·to p.pass., agg. 1. p.pass., agg. → decussare 2. agg. BU che ha forma di X 3. agg. TS bot. di organi, spec. disposti a coppie contigue, che si oppongono in modo incrociato | di foglie, che hanno i verticilli a intersezione opposta e… … Dizionario italiano