- decathlon
m спортдесятиборье
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Decathlon — Décathlon Pour les articles homonymes, voir Décathlon (homonymie). Décathlon … Wikipédia en Français
décathlon — [ dekatlɔ̃ ] n. m. • 1912; de déca , d apr. pentathlon ♦ Compétition masculine d athlétisme regroupant dix épreuves disputées successivement par les mêmes athlètes. ● décathlon nom masculin (de pentathlon) Discipline d athlétisme masculin… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Decathlon — Entwickler Activision Publisher … Deutsch Wikipedia
Decathlon — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Decathlon puede referirse a: Decatlón: Competición de atletismo que consta de diez pruebas. Decathlon (empresa): Empresa francesa de material deportivo fundada en 1976. Obtenido de Decathlon Categoría:… … Wikipedia Español
decathlon — de*cath lon, n. [See {Deca }; {Pentathlon}.] In the modern Olympic Games, a composite contest consisting of a 100 meter run, a broad jump, putting the shot, a running high jump, a 400 meter run, throwing the discus, a 100 meter hurdle race, pole… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
decathlon — 1912, from deca ten (see TEN (Cf. ten)) + Gk. athlon contest, prize. A modern Olympic event consisting of 10 challenges … Etymology dictionary
decathlon — ► NOUN ▪ an athletic event in which each competitor takes part in the same ten events. DERIVATIVES decathlete noun. ORIGIN from Greek deka ten + athlon contest … English terms dictionary
decathlon — [di kath′län΄, di kath′lən] n. [ DEC(A) + Gr athlon, a prize] an athletic contest in which each contestant takes part in ten events (100 meter dash, 400 meter dash, long jump, 16 pound shot put, high jump, 110 meter hurdles, discus throw, pole… … English World dictionary
Decathlon — Decathlete redirects here. For the video game, see DecAthlete (video game). For other uses, see Decathlon (disambiguation) College decathlete competitors pose at the 2009 NCAA Outdoor Track Field Championships in Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA. The… … Wikipedia
Décathlon — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Décathlon (homonymie). Décathlon … Wikipédia en Français
decathlon — /di kath lon/, n. an athletic contest comprising ten different track and field events and won by the contestant amassing the highest total score. [1910 15; DEC + Gk âthlon prize, contest] * * * Composite athletic contest that consists of 10… … Universalium