- cute
- f анат.кожаinter et in cute — см. interSyn:pelle, epidermide
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
cute — CÚTE, cute, s.f. Piatră de gresie pentru ascuţit uneltele tăioase (mai ales coasa); arcer. – lat. cos, cotis. Trimis de ionel bufu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 CÚTE s. gresie, (reg.) arcer, (Ban.) brus. (cute pentru ascuţit coasa.) Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
CUTE — (engl. für süß , nett ; Akronym für Clean Urban Transport for Europe[1]) ist ein europaweites, aus Mitteln der EU subventioniertes Förderungsprogramm unter anderem für wasserstoffbetriebenen öffentlichen Personennahverkehr. Besonders Busse sind… … Deutsch Wikipedia
CUTE-1.7 — + APD Operator Tokyo Institute of Technology Mission type Technology development Satellite of Earth Launch date February 21, 2006 … Wikipedia
Cute — (k[=u]t), a. [An abbrev. of acute.] 1. Clever; sharp; shrewd; ingenious; cunning. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] 2. pleasantly attractive, in a delicate way; said of children, young ladies, pet animals and some objects, but seldom of adults; as, a cute … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cute — [ kjut ] adjective * 1. ) attractive, usually small, and easy to like: a cute child a cute little house 2. ) INFORMAL sexually attractive: There are a couple of really cute guys at work. 3. ) INFORMAL clever in a way that shows a lack of respect… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
cute´ly — cute «kyoot», adjective, cut|er, cut|est. Informal. 1. pretty and dear; pleasing or attractive; winsome; dainty: »a cute baby. SYNONYM(S): char … Useful english dictionary
cute — S3 [kju:t] adj [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: acute] 1.) very pretty or attractive ▪ a cute little puppy ▪ The baby s so cute. ▪ That s a really cute outfit. 2.) especially AmE sexually attractive ▪ Tell us about this cute guy you met! … Dictionary of contemporary English
CUTE-1.7 — (CUbical Tokyotech Engineering satellite 1.7) sind zwei japanische Kleinsatelliten die als studentisches Projekt an der Technischen Hochschule Tokio und als Amateurfunksatellit gebaut wurden. Sie folgen dem CubeSat Standard für Kleinsatelliten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
cute — ☆ cute [kyo͞ot ] adj. cuter, cutest [aphetic < ACUTE] Informal 1. clever; sharp; shrewd 2. pretty or attractive, esp. in a lively, wholesome, or dainty way 3. straining for effect; artificial meet cute Film to meet for the first time, often in … English World dictionary
cute — m. *Caratea (enfermedad tropical). * * * cute. (Del lenca tincute). m. El Salv. y Hond. zopilote. || 2. rur. El Salv. y … Enciclopedia Universal
cute — started out in the 18c as a shortened form of acute in the meaning ‘quick witted, clever’; for a while it was often written with an apostrophe, and will be found that way in Dickens. This meaning has died out in BrE but is still a feature of AmE … Modern English usage