- craniomalacia
f мед.размягчение мозга, энцефаломаляция
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
craniomalacia — Softening of the bones of the skull. [cranio + G. malakia, softness] circumscribed c. SYN: craniotabes. * * * cra·nio·ma·la·cia (kra″ne o mə laґshə) [cranio + malacia] abnormal softness of the skull … Medical dictionary
craniotabes — A disease marked by the presence of areas of thinning and softening in the bones of the skull and widening of the sutures and fontanelles. Usually of syphilitic or rachitic origin. SYN: circumscribed craniomalacia. [cranio + L. tabes, a wasting]… … Medical dictionary