Смотреть что такое "coherer" в других словарях:
Coherer — Co*her er, n. (Elec.) Any device in which an imperfectly conducting contact between pieces of metal or other conductors loosely resting against each other is materially improved in conductivity by the influence of Hertzian waves; so called by Sir … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cohérer — [kɔeʀe] v. [CONJUG. céder.] ÉTYM. 1897; de cohérent, et suff. verbal. ❖ 1 V. intr. Phys. Devenir cohérent (1.). || « Les molécules s ordonnent, se pressent, “cohèrent”… » (Année sc. et industr. 1898 [1897], p. 50). 2 V. tr. Rendre cohérent … Encyclopédie Universelle
Coherer — Coherer, s. Kohärer … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Coherer — (engl., spr. hihrĕr), Kohärer, s. Telegraphie ohne Draht … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Coherer — Metal filings coherer The coherer was a primitive form of radio signal detector used in the first radio receivers during the wireless telegraphy era at the beginning of the twentieth century. Invented around 1890 by French scientist Édouard… … Wikipedia
coherer — kohereris statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. coherer vok. Kohärer, m rus. когерер, m pranc. cohéreur, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
coherer — noun Date: 1894 a radio detector in which an imperfectly conducting contact between pieces of conductive material loosely resting against each other is materially improved in conductance by the passage of high frequency current … New Collegiate Dictionary
coherer — /koh hear euhr, her /, n. 1. a person or thing that coheres. 2. Radio. a device usually used in detecting radio waves, as a tube filled with a conducting substance in granular form, whose electrical resistance increases when struck by radio waves … Universalium
coherer — noun A detector of radio waves used in very early radio receivers … Wiktionary
coherer — co·he·rer s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS elettr. dispositivo rivelatore di onde elettromagnetiche, usato nei primi apparecchi radiotelegrafici Sinonimi: coesore. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1903. ETIMO: dal lat. cohaerĕre essere unito … Dizionario italiano
coherer — co her·er || ɪərÉ™ n. radio wave detector (Radio); person or thing that coheres … English contemporary dictionary