Смотреть что такое "CNUCE" в других словарях:
CNUCE — sigla Centro Nazionale Universitario di Calcolo Elettronico … Dizionario italiano
Mémoire cache — Une mémoire cache ou antémémoire est, en informatique, une mémoire qui enregistre temporairement des copies de données provenant d une autre source de donnée comme les mémoires, afin de diminuer le temps d accès (en lecture ou en écriture) d un… … Wikipédia en Français
Computer music — is a term that was originally used within academia to describe a field of study relating to the applications of computing technology in music composition; particularly that stemming from the Western art music tradition. It includes the theory and … Wikipedia
DCI — may be an abbreviation for: Contents 1 Technology 2 Businesses 3 Organizations 4 Other 5 References … Wikipedia
End-user development — (EUD) is a research topic within the field of computer science, describing activities or techniques that allow people who are not professional developers to create or modify a software artifact. A typical example of EUD is programming to extend… … Wikipedia
International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems — The International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS) is an IEEE/IFIP sponsored symposium covering distributed systems design and development, particularly with properties such as reliability, availability, safety, security and real… … Wikipedia
Bad Sector — Основная информация … Википедия
Component-based usability testing — (CBUT) is a testing approach which aims at empirically testing the usability of an interaction component. The latter is defined as an elementary unit of an interactive system, on which behaviour based evaluation is possible. For this, a component … Wikipedia