city bike
Смотреть что такое "city bike" в других словарях:
City bike — Vélopartage Citybike à Helsinki … Wikipédia en Français
city bike — /ˈsɪti baɪk/ (say sitee buyk) noun a mountain bike which has been redesigned for city use, that is, it has upright handlebars, tyres which are somewhere between the wide tyres of the mountain bike and the thin tyres of the racer, and fewer gears… …
city bike — ci·ty bi·ke loc.s.f.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} bicicletta adatta sia a percorsi accidentati fuori strada sia all uso in città {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: sec. XX. ETIMO: comp. di city città e bike bici , sul tipo mountain bike … Dizionario italiano
European city bike — Contemporary styled European city bike with a step through frame … Wikipedia
Helsinki City Bike — Bei Fahrradvermietungen (umgangssprachlich auch Fahrradverleih) kann man zwischen dem traditionellen Modell der touristisch orientierten Fahrradvermietung und dem neueren Modell eines Netzes von Selbstbedienungsstationen zur Fahrradvermietung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bike-sharing — Vélopartage Citybike à Helsinki … Wikipédia en Français
Bike sharing — Vélopartage Citybike à Helsinki … Wikipédia en Français
Bike and ride — Fahrradstellplatz in Delft (NL) Fahrrads … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bike SF 2010 — [ page.asp?id=60651 Mayor Newsom Announces “Bike SF 2010 Milestones”] Office of the Mayor. Retrieved on July 23, 2007.] are a set of 10 milestones established by San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom on San Francisco s Bike… … Wikipedia
Bike Philly — is a bicycle tour of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on a closed route cleared of motorized vehicular traffic. cite news | first=Steven| last=Rea| url= Make way for the bicycles.html|title= Make Way For … Wikipedia
Bike paths in Melbourne — Bike paths in and around the city of Melbourne have developed since the campaigns of Bicycle Victoria in the mid 1970s. Since then, with increased recognition from all levels of government of the benefit of cycling activities, Melbourne today has … Wikipedia