- Chop
см. Čop
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Chop — Chop, CHOP, Chops, or CHOPS may refer to: Contents 1 Music 2 Medicine 3 Sports … Wikipedia
Chop — ist: eine Stadt in der Ukraine, siehe Tschop ein Chinesisches Siegel Folgende Persönlichkeiten tragen den Familiennamen Chop: Adolph Friedrich Chop (ca. 1702 1783), Hof und Konsistorialrat zu Sondershausen Friedrich Hieronymus Chop (1732 1785),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
CHOP — is the acronym for a chemotherapy regimen used in the treatment of non Hodgkin lymphoma. CHOP stands for Cyclophosphamide, Hydroxydaunorubicin (Adriamycin), Oncovin (Vincristine), Prednisone/Prednisolone.Uses and indicationsCHOP consists of: *… … Wikipedia
chop´pi|ly — chop|py1 «CHOP ee», adjective, pi|er, pi|est. 1. making quick, sharp movements; jerky: »The speaker made nervous, choppy gestures. 2. moving in short, irregular, broken waves: »The wind made the water choppy. The sea is choppy today … Useful english dictionary
chop|py — chop|py1 «CHOP ee», adjective, pi|er, pi|est. 1. making quick, sharp movements; jerky: »The speaker made nervous, choppy gestures. 2. moving in short, irregular, broken waves: »The wind made the water choppy. The sea is choppy today … Useful english dictionary
Chop — Chop, n. [Chin. & Hind. ch[=a]p stamp, brand.] [1913 Webster] 1. Quality; brand; as, silk of the first chop. [1913 Webster] 2. A permit or clearance. [1913 Webster] {Chop dollar}, a silver dollar stamped to attest its purity. {chop of tea}, a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chop — Ⅰ. chop [1] ► VERB (chopped, chopping) 1) cut with repeated sharp, heavy blows of an axe or knife. 2) strike with a short, heavy blow. 3) ruthlessly abolish or reduce in size. ► NOUN 1) … English terms dictionary
chop — chop1 [chäp] vt. chopped, chopping [ME choppen, prob. < northern OFr choper, for OFr coper, to cut off (< VL * cuppare, to decapitate < * cuppum, skull < LL cuppa, CUP); infl. by couper, to strike (< coup, colp, a blow: see COUP)]… … English World dictionary
Chop — Chop, n. [See {Chap}.] 1. A jaw of an animal; commonly in the pl. See {Chops}. [1913 Webster] 2. A movable jaw or cheek, as of a wooden vise. [1913 Webster] 3. The land at each side of the mouth of a river, harbor, or channel; as, East Chop or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
chop — ● chop nom masculin (anglais to chop, couper) Au tennis et au ping pong, synonyme de coupé. ● chop (synonymes) nom masculin (anglais to chop, couper) Synonymes : coupé … Encyclopédie Universelle
chop su|ey — «CHOP SOO ee», a dish consisting of fried or stewed chicken, pork, or other meat, and vegetables cut up and cooked together in a sauce. It is usually served with rice and soy sauce. Chop suey contains such vegetables and seasonings as bean… … Useful english dictionary