- chirieleison
см. kyrie eleison
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.
chirieleison — chi·rie·lèi·son, chi·rie·lèi·son inter., s.m.inv. var. → kyrie eleison … Dizionario italiano
Operation Husky order of battle — is a listing of the significant formations that were involved in the campaign for Sicily, July 10 – August 17, 1943. Contents 1 Allied Forces 1.1 Allied Naval Forces Mediterranean 1.2 Allied 15th Army Group … Wikipedia
Cord blood bank — A cord blood bank is a facility which stores umbilical cord blood for future use. Both private and public cord blood banks have developed since the mid to late 1990s in response to the potential for cord blood transplants in treating diseases of… … Wikipedia
Okan Ersan — is a Turkish Cypriot guitarist. He was born on April 27, 1972 in Nicosia, Cyprus, and started to play the guitar and piano at a very young age. Since he came from a musician family (his father is a musician), he chose music as a first job.Ersan … Wikipedia
Cord blood — Umbilical cord blood is blood that remains in the placenta and in the attached umbilical cord after childbirth. Cord blood is collected because it contains stem cells which can be used to treat hematopoietic and genetic disorders. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Italian 4 Motorized Division Livorno — Several Italian Army units defended Sicily stubbornly. Foremost among these was 4th Livorno Division, commanded by Generale di Divisione Domenico Chirieleison. It was composed of 33rd and 34th Infantry Regiments, 11th Headquarters Battalion, 4th… … Wikipedia
Le débarquement allié en Sicile et la Campagne d'Italie. 1943-1945 — Opération Husky Campagne de Sicile Carte militaire de l opération Informations générales Date 9 juin … Wikipédia en Français
Operation Husky — Opération Husky Campagne de Sicile Carte militaire de l opération Informations générales Date 9 juin … Wikipédia en Français
Opération Husky — Campagne de Sicile Carte militaire de l opération. Informations générales Date 9 juin 1943 17 août 19 … Wikipédia en Français
Ordre de bataille des forces militaires Alliées et de l'Axe lors de l'Opération Husky — Article principal : Opération Husky. Ce qui suit est l ordre de bataille des forces militaires alliées et de l Axe engagées lors de l Opération Husky du 9 juillet au 17 août 1943. Sommaire 1 Ordre de bataille allié 1.1 XV … Wikipédia en Français
Salvador — Recorded as Salvadore, Salvadori, Salvati, Salvatori, Salvatore (Italian), Salvador (Spanish, Portugese and Catalan), this an early medieval surname of great popularity. It means literally saviour save you and was used in honour of the Christ.… … Surnames reference