check list
Смотреть что такое "check list" в других словарях:
check-list — [ (t)ʃɛklist ] n. f. • 1953; mot angl. , de to check « vérifier » ♦ Anglic. Liste d opérations successives destinée à vérifier sans omission le bon fonctionnement de tous les équipements vitaux d un avion, d un engin avant son départ. Des check… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Check list — Check Check (ch[e^]k), n. [OE. chek, OF. eschec, F. [ e]chec, a stop, hindrance, orig. check in the game of chess, pl. [ e]checs chess, through Ar., fr. Pers. sh[=a]h king. See {Shah}, and cf. {Checkmate}, {Chess}, {Checker}.] 1. (Chess) A word… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
check|list — check list, or check|list «CHEHK LIHST», noun. 1. a list of names, titles, jobs, or any other items arranged to form a ready means of reference, comparison, or checking: »The pilot went over the flight check list before take off. 2. a list of… … Useful english dictionary
check list — check list, or check|list «CHEHK LIHST», noun. 1. a list of names, titles, jobs, or any other items arranged to form a ready means of reference, comparison, or checking: »The pilot went over the flight check list before take off. 2. a list of… … Useful english dictionary
check list — loc.s.m. e f.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} TS, inform. lista di controllo usata come riscontro per verificare le varie fasi di operazioni complesse {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1993. ETIMO: comp. di check controllo, verifica e list lista … Dizionario italiano
check list — index invoice (itemized list), schedule Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Check-list — Checklist Une liste de vérification, ou check list, est une opération consistant à vérifier méthodiquement les étapes nécessaires d une procédure pour qu elle se déroule avec le maximum de sécurité. Cette opération se déroule généralement à voix… … Wikipédia en Français
check·list — /ˈʧɛkˌlıst/ noun, pl lists [count] 1 : a list of things to be checked or done Before takeoff the pilot went down/through his checklist of safety precautions. I still have one thing left to do on my checklist. 2 : a list that includes many or all… … Useful english dictionary
check-list — … Useful english dictionary
Aphasie-Check-List — Die Aphasie Check List (ACL), auch: Aphasie Check Liste ist ein im Jahre 2002 von Elke Kalbe, Nadine Reinhold, Matthias Brand und Josef Kessler entwickeltes Verfahren zur Diagnose von Aphasien. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Anwendungsbereich und Ziele 2… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pocket check list — A Pocket Check List (PCL) is a small booklet, which as the name suggests, fits into the pocket of a flight suit. This is a term used by Naval Aviators in the U.S. Navy, and is one of many documents issued as part of Naval Aviation Training and… … Wikipedia