англ., сокр. от Columbia Broadcasting System
Коламбия бродкастинг систем, Американская радиовещательная компания, СИ-БИ-ЭС

Итальяно-русский словарь. 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "CBS" в других словарях:

  • CBS 2 — may refer to any of the following:Airports* Estevan (Blue Sky) Aerodrome near Estevan, Saskatchewan, CanadaTelevision stations CBS 2 is the on air branding used by several television stations in the United States which are affiliated to or owned… …   Wikipedia

  • CBS 4 — is the on air branding used by several television stations in the United States of America, including:*WFOR TV Miami *KCNC TV Denver *WGFL Gainesville, Florida (cable channel only, actual broadcast is on UHF channel 53) *WHBF TV Rock Island,… …   Wikipedia

  • CBS 5 — is the on air branding used by several television stations in the United States of America, including: *KGWN TV Cheyenne, Wyoming *KPIX TV San Francisco, California *KPHO TV Phoenix, Arizona *WTVH Syracuse, New YorkIn addition, the following CBS… …   Wikipedia

  • CBŚ — CBS pol. CBŚ Centralne Biuro Śledcze, (dt. etwa „Zentrales Ermittlungsbüro“) ist eine Organisation der polnischen Polizei, die die Aufgabe hat, das organisierte Verbrechen, Kriminalität mit Auslandsbezug und Drogenkriminalität zu bekämpfen. Zu… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CBS — trademark Columbia Broadcasting System one of the four main national television networks in the US. The other three are ↑ABC, ↑Fox, and ↑NBC. ▪ a CBS news reporter …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • CBS-FM — can refer to:*WCBS FM *KCBS FM …   Wikipedia

  • CBS 3 — refers to one of the following television stations:*KDLH Duluth, Minnesota *KYW TV Philadelphia, Pennsylvania *WFSB Hartford, Connecticut *WSHM LP Springfield, MassachusettsCBS3 is also the specification for a bio chemical called Hydroxybenzoate… …   Wikipedia

  • CBS 6 — may refer to:*WRGB, a TV station in Albany, New York *WTVR TV, a TV station in Richmond, Virginia …   Wikipedia

  • CBS 11 — is the on air branding used by several television stations in the United States of America, including:*KTVT Dallas, Texas *KTVA *WBKB TV …   Wikipedia

  • CBS 47 — may refer to one of the following television stations:*WTEV TV, of Jacksonville, FL *KGPE, of Fresno, CA …   Wikipedia

  • CBS — Columbia Broadcasting System Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations …   Law dictionary

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