- arachnodactyly
- arachnodactyly.= Marfan syndrome (см.).(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Arachnodactyly — Infobox Disease Name = PAGENAME Caption = DiseasesDB = 15196 ICD10 = ICD10|Q|87|4|q|80 ICD9 = ICD9|759.82 ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = D008382 Arachnodactyly ( spider fingers ) or achromachia, is a… … Wikipedia
Arachnodactyly — Long spider like fingers and toes, a frequent finding in Marfan syndrome, a heritable disorder of connective tissue. Arachnodactyly is derived from the Greek arachne (spider) and daktylos (finger). The Greek word was derived from the name Arachne … Medical dictionary
arachnodactyly — noun a condition in which the fingers and hands are abnormally long and slender Syn: Marfan syndrome … Wiktionary
arachnodactyly — arach·no·dac·ty·ly … English syllables
arachnodactyly — n. abnormally long and slender fingers: usually associated with excessive height and congenital defects of the heart and eyes in Marfan s syndrome … The new mediacal dictionary
arachnodactyly — əˌraknōˈdaktəlē noun ( es) Etymology: arachn + dactyly (from New Latin dactylia) : a hereditary abnormality characterized by excessive length of the long bones (as of the fingers and toes) and usually associated with other abnormalities … Useful english dictionary
Congenital contractural arachnodactyly — Beals syndrome Classification and external resources OMIM 121050 DiseasesDB 29326 Beals syndrome (Congenital contractural arachnodactyl … Wikipedia
congenital contractural arachnodactyly — congenital con·trac·tur·al arachnodactyly kən trak chə rəl , kän n a disorder that is similar to or a variant of Marfan syndrome, is inherited as a dominant autosomal trait, and is characterized esp. by arachnodactyly, joint contracture, and… … Medical dictionary
Арахнодактилия (Arachnodactyly) — аномально длинные и тонкие пальцы рук. Данное состояние обычно сопровождается наличием у больного избыточного веса, а также врожденными пороками сердца и глаз, как при синдроме Марфана. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
spider finger — arachnodactyly … Medical dictionary