- panmixia
- panmixia.См. панмиксия.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Panmixia — (or panmixis) means random mating.[1][2] A panmictic population is one where all individuals are potential partners. This assumes that there are no mating restrictions, neither genetic or behavioural, upon the population, and that therefore all… … Wikipedia
panmixia — s. f. [Biologia] Reprodução através de cruzamentos ao acaso, sem seleção natural. ≠ AMIXIA ‣ Etimologia: pan + grego míksis, eos, mistura, união + ia ♦ [Portugal] Grafia de pan mixia antes do Acordo Ortográfico de 1990. ♦ Grafia no Brasil:… … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
panmixia — [panmik′sispan mik′sē ə] n. random mating within a breeding population: often panmixis [panmik′sis] panmictic [panmik′tik] adj … English World dictionary
panmixia — noun Etymology: New Latin, from pan + Greek mixis act of mingling, mating, from mignynai to mix more at mix Date: 1889 random mating within a breeding population … New Collegiate Dictionary
panmixia — См. panmixy … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
panmixia — panmictic /pan mik tik/, adj. /pan mik see euh/, n. Animal Behav. random mating of individuals within a population, the breeding individuals showing no tendency to choose partners with particular traits. Also, panmixis /pan mik sis/. Cf.… … Universalium
panmixia — noun A situation in which an individual is just as likely to mate with another randomly chosen individual as any other in the population Syn: panmixis, panmixus See Also: panmictic … Wiktionary
panmixia — ► sustantivo femenino BIOLOGÍA Población en la que cualquier individuo tiene igual probabilidad de cruzarse con otro de sexo opuesto sin previa selección … Enciclopedia Universal
panmixia — pan·mix·ia mik sē ə also pan·mixy mik sē n, pl mix·ias also mix·ies random mating within a breeding population * * * pan·mix·ia (pan mikґse ə) random mating … Medical dictionary
panmixia — pan·mix·ia … English syllables