- obligate parasite
- obligate parasite.См. облигатный паразит.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
obligate parasite — noun (biology) One capable of living naturally only as a parasite (cf ↑facultative parasite) • • • Main Entry: ↑oblige … Useful english dictionary
Obligate parasite — An obligate parasite is a parasitic organism that cannot complete its life cycle without dependence on its host. References Serge, Morand. et al. (1996). Body size evolution of oxyurid (Nematoda) parasites: the role of hosts . Oecologia 107 (2):… … Wikipedia
obligate parasite — a parasite that cannot lead an independent existence. Compare facultative parasite … Dictionary of ichthyology
obligate parasite — A parasite that cannot exist without a host during all or some portion of the life cycle; see facultative parasite … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Obligate — means by necessity (antonym facultative) and is used mainly in biology in phrases such as: Obligate aerobe, an organism that cannot survive without oxygen Obligate anaerobe, an organism that cannot survive in the presence of oxygen Obligate air… … Wikipedia
obligate — [äb′li gāt΄; ] for adj. [, äb′ləgit, äb′ləgāt΄] vt. obligated, obligating [< L obligatus, pp. of obligare: see OBLIGE] to bind by a contract, promise, sense of duty, etc.; put under obligation adj. [ME < L obligatus] 1. bound; obliged 2.… … English World dictionary
obligate — Without an alternative system or pathway. [L. ob ligo, pp. atus, to bind to] * * * ob·li·gate äb li gət, lə .gāt adj 1) restricted to one particularly characteristic mode of life or way of functioning <the infant is an obligate nose breather… … Medical dictionary
obligate — I. transitive verb ( gated; gating) Etymology: Latin obligatus, past participle of obligare Date: 1533 1. to bind legally or morally ; constrain 2. to commit (as funds) to meet an obligation II. adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
obligate — 1. verb /ˈɑblɪɡeɪt,ˈɑblɪɡət,ˈɒblɪɡeɪt,ˈɒblɪɡət/ a) To bind, compel, or constrain by a social, legal, or moral tie. See Synonyms at force. b) To cause to be grateful or indebted; to … Wiktionary
obligate — verb 1》 compel (someone) to undertake a legal or moral duty. 2》 US commit (assets) as security. adjective Biology restricted to a particular function or mode of life: an obligate parasite. Derivatives obligator noun Origin ME (as adjective in the … English new terms dictionary