- marker gene
- marker gene.См. маркерный ген.(Источник: «Англо-русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд-во ВНИРО, 1995 г.)
Marker gene — A marker gene is a gene used in molecular biology to determine if a nucleic acid sequence has been successfully inserted into an organism s DNA. There are two types of marker genes: a selectable marker and a marker for screening. Selectable… … Wikipedia
Marker gene — A detectable genetic trait or segment of DNA that can be identified and tracked. A marker gene can serve as a flag for another gene, sometimes called the target gene. A marker gene must be on the same chromosome as the target gene and near enough … Medical dictionary
marker gene — Genetic marker; gene of known position and conspicuous in its action … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
marker gene — Gene that confers some readily detectable phenotype on cells carrying the gene, either in culture, or in transgenic or chimeric organisms. Gene could be an enzymic reporter gene, a selectable marker conferring antibiotic resistance, or a cell… … Dictionary of molecular biology
marker gene — noun : a gene that serves as a genetic marker * * * Genetics. See genetic marker … Useful english dictionary
marker gene — mark′er gene n. gen genetic marker … From formal English to slang
marker gene — A gene of known function or known location, used for marker assisted selection or genetic studies … Glossary of Biotechnology
marker gene — Genetics. See genetic marker. * * * … Universalium
marker gene — noun A gene with a known location in a chromosome; used to track the insertion of DNA into organisms … Wiktionary
Gene trapping — is a high throughput approach that is used to introduce insertional mutations across the mammalian genome. It is performed with gene trap vectors whose principal element is a gene trapping cassette consisting of a promoterless reporter gene… … Wikipedia